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Line Smokers


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Ok here is my last post until next week when I check the forums again... I have never had a problem with this until today and now I see why it is a problem...me and 5 friends were in line for FoF. A guy went to light up and I said " Hey can you not smoke, normally I wouldnt care but we are inside." He said yea okay whatever. Then his friend decides to light up and to try and intimadate me because he was A LOT bigger than I was, but I saw a little girl start to cover her mouth so I stood my ground and I asked him can you please put out that cigg? He said no I'll finish it and ill put it out when I am f$@&ing ready to. I let it slide he finished, then my friends who were behind these guys saw us and cut, they rightly so copped an attitude, so we were like hey if its a big deal you guys can go ahead. The big guy jumped out of line and left and his buddies soon followed. As he was walking out some very unpretty things were said and an altercation happened and i was like " Look man if it bugs you get in line in front of us no big deal." Well one thing led to another and my brother ended up sticking up for me and the guy got in his face etc etc. I said look guys I dont want to call security, I dont want my day ruined, I dont want anyone thrown out or put in jail. So to make a longer story a little shorter he left and flipped it on us and he called security and there was this huge ordeal over a little thing about 3 inches long called a ciggarette. So for my sake and everyone elses sake please please please do not smoke in line... I didnt like this situation when it happened to me and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else and it could have been alot worse. So if your about to get in line for something either finish the thing or put it out... It wasnt worth it for me and my friends or the other party involved, and I just wish the whole thing never would have happened.One thing i did learn though and will spread word to others is..even though you are an employee when you arent in uniform you are a guest so dont take things like this on yourself get a ride associate to deal with the situation, and learn from the mistake i made



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Dxrunner, as an employ at the park, you should know that line jumping is not a sporting event at PKI. Now I know the people behind you were smoking, but it appears to me that the situation got out of hand because you let your friends cut in line. I would be mad too if I were those guys and people just cut in front of me. I don`t think it is setting a good example when a park employ in the rides department lets his friends cut in line. Now, I also can`t stand smoking in line. I feel that people should be able to wait in line without the need for a cigarette.

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That is why i offered to them "hey you can go in front of us." We made the offer three times. All me and my brother wanted was to be with our group, not more trouble, and i didnt say hey go ahead and cut... they kinda just did it on there own.

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Well, this is just my opinion. But as an employee who knows the park`s rules with regards to line jumping, you should have known better. I know you didn`t but your friends did. What you should have done is moved back in line to be with them. That way, nobody is accused of line jumping.

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Last night and the night before, I got sent to Express to finish my closing shift. As usual, after we finish operating the ride, we have to clean the q's and do garbage. I must say, I have never seen that many cigarette butts ever in a q line. I must have picked up at least 30. I also noticed that the butts stopped right when the line came into the station. There were butts everywhere else, but very few in the station, maybe because the ride ops are doin their jobs well or whatever, but someone should enforce the rule everywhere.

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Yeah dx man way to stand up for yourself and others you had every right to ask that guy to stop smoking. And great job sticking to your guns. but im wondering the rest of the story did you or the other guy get in any trouble with security or anything?

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