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Year in Review


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I recently talked to Dane about about using some of the PKIC videos on the site, since I'm not ballsy enough to take a camera with me to the park (I know I'd end up losing it somehow or another).

What am I doing with these videos? I decided it'd be fun to play around and make a little PKI year-in-review video. Because of the extended season due to Winterfest, I don't expect the video to be fully finished until sometime in December.

I just wanted to create this topic to

a) Let everyone know about this project. Once it's finished, I will give it to Dane or one of the other administrators to do with it as they please. So it may end up on the site.

cool.gif Provide updates on the project. I may post clips of it if I get around to it so that I can get feedback...which brings me to:

c) Feedback. I'd like to know what you think should go in the video, and what should stay out of the video. Keep in mind, I do not have any video of my own, and will not be going back to the park until Fear Fest, so what you suggest needs to come from the videos you find on this site.

d) Anything else. smile.gif

So, throw me a bone. Give me your input.

And a big thanks to Dane and the PKIC admins for allowing use of their video library.

Oh, and one more thing. This video is getting pretty long. I'm already at 4 minutes. I'm going to try to keep it short and small enough so that everyone can download it, but right now, I've still got to add Winterfest, Fear Fest, and a few other things into the video.

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Need to bump this topic for a request:

I've got most of the video done, except for little things here and there, Winterfest and Fear Fest, and of course, some cleaning up of the video.

At this point, I'd like a couple people to PM me if they are interested in viewing this video for me, and giving me some of their thoughts. Consider it a "video beta"

I'll only give a couple people the link, simply because the video isn't complete yet, and I'm just asking for some viewer input.


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