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Universal 2/12/07 Part 1 of 5


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Monday February 12th, 2007

The weather today started out rainy, but about 2 hrs into the day it cleared up and the sun came out, it topped out in the low 70's.

Okay day one of my trip we went to Universal, we started our day with Islands of Adventure, what a great park. I loved the theming of all of the area's very well done. My first ride to start my day with was Incredible Hulk. This ride was a great location as you walk under the ride to enter the Que. This ride was a complete walk on. This ride was awesome, I love the launch mid way up the lift into the first inversion. This ride roared sounding like a Hulk, even though it was just the typical sound of a B&M. Hulk was everything I thought it would be and more.

After riding Hulk for the second time, we headed over to Spider man. Spider man was also a walk on. Great ride yet again, the effects and 3-d is awesome. The car spinning caught me off guard but it was lots of fun. The fire effects were a nice touch, this ride was very well done.

After Spider man I went on Doctor Dooms Fear Fall. This is the first launch tower ride I ever rode. It was freaky not knowing when you would blast off. At the top it has some air time, good thing for the OTSR, I actually lifted out of my seat. That was a great feeling, but I hate to say it, I much prefer the Drop Towers to this, but still a neat ride, I also got walk on ride.

We walked Thur Toon Lagoon to look Rip Saw Falls and Popeye water rides. I decided since it was rainy and still a little cool, that I wouldn't ride this right now. It looked like you got pretty wet on those 2 rides.

We ended up at Jurassic Park. I loved the rain forest look of this area. Trees everywhere around you. I did go on the Jurassic Park River ride. A another highly themed ride. The Dinosaurs were very cool to look at during the ride. Then of course we headed up the lift to the drop. Again theming everywhere. I like how the drop starts out inside then at the bottom your outside. I was sitting in the back row to the far right, I didn't get too wet. But it was a fun ride.

Lunch time, we hate lunch at the Enchanted Oak. The inside looked like an old Oak tree, very well done. Then it was off to Dueling Dragons. This ride had the longest Que line ever, (I don't mean the wait time) but I seemed to walk forever. I finally made it to the station and decided to do Ice first. Ice Dragon was fun, I loved looking down every once and while and seeing the other train close by. Then the loops that are only 12 inches away for each other, wow it so does look like we were going to crash. I just love B&M Inverts. After Ice they had a way to cut Thur to ride the other side so you didn't have to walk that huge Que again. It was time to ride Fire. Fire was much more intense then Ice. Fire was awesome, my kind of coaster. I like Fire much more then Ice. But both are great Inverts. I also liked how they could dispatch one out of sink, but the chain slowed down to allow for the other ride to catch up. We need a B&M Invert at KI on the Intensity side of Fire.

Poseidon's Fury was next on my lift. I loved the look of the outside of this attraction once again very well done. This attraction was a show/walk Thur attraction again with a lot of theming. Pretty well done in my opinion. I like the water covered bridge that you had to walk Thur. Not really much more I can say about this, but it's worth a try when you visit IOA.

We then headed over to Seuss Landing. We rode the trolley ride that takes you over the entire theme area, a nice relaxing ride. We also rode The Cat and The Hat. Pretty cool ride too, this ride isn't just for kids, it's for anyone. I really liked it.

After that I decided to ride Hulk again. After that we decided since we did everything in IOA that we wanted to do today, that we would head over to USF.

Once we made the walk over to Universal Studios we headed in, Jaws was closed until Wednesday was it was going Thur Routine Maintenance. We headed over to ride Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast. Wasn't this where the HB film used to play? But JN was pretty cool, one thing that was neat about USF was that when you go into the building of the ride, they always had a pre-show to set things up for you. Instead of just getting on the ride. After this we went and rode Back to The Future. I can see how this ride is old school, but it's still pretty cool ride, they are only using half of the ride at the moment. Wait time wasn't that long, about 10 minutes. It was pretty cool ride. I liked how they had the train and the Deloran out by the ride. After Back to the Future we headed over the kids section just so I could get another coaster credit. I rode the Woodywood Pecker coaster LOL. It was pretty fast for a kiddie coaster, but still fun. After that it was time to head out the park was closing.

Look for Part 2 of my trip report tomorrow, when we will talk about Sea World.

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