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KI Photo TR! SoB Lives! And it RAINS!

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So it's guys day at KI for the games department. All the girls work and we have a cook out. My and my friend headed to Boomerang Bay and rode pretty much everything. Around 6:45, it POURED down rain! Storm warnings and everything, it was like a monsoon. We ran from BB all the way into Nick U to an employee restaraunt to take cover until 8. After that, the park was DEAD. Firehawk had a 15 minute wait, and was using both stations! FoF had no line! Vortex had no line. Then we watched SoB test. Still very loud, and it went through the pre drop off the left quickly, but almost vallied as it inched over the first drop. The trains look tiny compared to the old ones, and the new logo is on the front. (Loop is out and the second helix is put in). Today is the girls day, by the way.

FoF - 3 Times, no wait for the front

Vortex - 3 Times, no wait for back and front

Firehawk - 1 time, 15 minute wait in the front

All waterslides were 10 minute wait and really fun, especially Tazmanian Typhoon (the big funnel ride)


Welcome to Boomarang Bay, mate!


Down Under Thunder, your normal slide. I didn't ride


Coolangata Racer, you lay on the mat and race! It's a really fun, quick ride.


Yup, POURING down rain....relentless wind...monsoon basically.


Aww, a rainbow! That means it's over, right? Nope, it still rained for a good 20 minutes.


Flight of Fear is dry and wait-less! YES!!!


All Clear, say hello to the aliens! FoF is still a great ride


Obligadory ghosty shot.


Using two stations minimizes wait times?! Psh, you're bluffing.


I can fly, I can fly!


For James and his special Viking Fury crew!


:cry: Drop Zone is all, "I'm a reliable, non second generation freefall, but yikes, I hope that little girl gets better!"

Wait a minute......I hear that familiar deafening chain lift.....


It lives! :mellow:


"Hey, I'm new here....they told me there was a loop!"


"I'll open up in a week or two, come and ride me! I'll play gentle."


Did I mention it FLIES over the second hill?


I'm still smooth.

Thanks for readin!

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