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Just back from KI...


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I just returned from KI with my wife and my two sons (4 and 8). Here are some general observations.

... The park was inundated with thousands of school kids from as far away as Arkansas (possible further) for Math and Science Day. This produced only slightly longer waits on the E rides.

Here are my wait times:

Diamondback - 30 minutes (was over 90 minutes at some points)

Stunt - 20 minutes

Beast - 15 minutes (was over an hour at some points)

Racer - 30 minutes (only one was open)

Flight Deck - 30 minutes

Drop Tower - 60 minutes

I was able to ride Diamondback by myself but my son is too short for Firehawk, Invertigo, and Flight of Fear.

Wait times were hit or miss all day with no rhyme or reason. If the wait was 60 minutes, we would come back in about an hour and find the wait time cut in half.

The school kids began clearing out at about 6 PM (not 3 PM as we had hoped). After that, you could walk on many rides including Flight Deck, Adventure Express, Racer, SoB, Invertigo, Drop Tower, and several others. I did not check the wait times for Diamondback or any of the others. We just never made it back to those areas.

.... We bought a souvenir 46 ounce Diamondback cup and used it to fill some empty water bottles. You could do the same with the free ice water cups. Flame away if you must but this beat passing the same cup from person to person in my family :wacko:

.... The Diamondback line moves constantly. They turn over riders very quickly. The single rider line was closed when I entered the queue. It reopened as I was just getting to the front of the queue.

.... The estimated wait times posted at the front of several of the queues were very helpful but often way off. Our estimate for Drop Tower was 30 mintues but our actual wait was 60 minutes. They seriously need to invent a way to get riders on and off this thing more quickly. Perhaps they need a second tower right next to the current one? Just a suggestion. :lol:

.... I believe most, if not all, Nickelodeon merchandise was 50% off. The future for Nickelodeon Universe looks very grim.

All and all, I was impressed. There were no hiccups in our day at all. The rain held off, too.

Good day.

Oh, and I encountered a carpenter bee only once.. it was in the queue for Adventure Express.

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Sounds like a good day other than all the the stinking kids in the park! We, (kittenpooh and I) are heading up to KI for the day with all the kiddos: 11, 5, 3 & 2 so we are hoping the rain holds off for us too!

We will be sure to hit up the Nickelodeon shop, too!!!!

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I was going to go today but I texted Danielle (keiko_coaster) about 1:00pm and she said most rides were longer than a 30 minute wait and there were kids galore. Today would've been a perfect day to go weather-wise. I'm off next Friday, and contemplating whether or not I should go as next weekend is Memorial Day Weekend.

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I also went yesturday.


diamond back four times (3 ert and on at about 9:45 waited 35 mins)

Beast 2 ( one ert, other waited 10 mins


slingshot (line was longest i've seen it)


crypt (horrible)

drop zone

Vortex 2


white water cannon 3 times (at night, bad idea)

In the morning and later in the day lines were really not bad. However in the middle of the day with all those schools lines were pretty long. BTW my friend lost his phone on diamond back, what are the chances he will get it back?

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BTW my friend lost his phone on diamond back, what are the chances he will get it back?

The condition of your firends phone depends on where he lost it. I got mine back in one piece but I lost is on the small hill on the return next to the Crypt exit. If it was from one of the taller hills I would not expect it to be functional.

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Nice Trip Report, I was there to, man that was a lot of buses. Even before 12pm I went up in the Eiffel Tower and counted 172 buses, 173 was just pulling in, I have never seen so many, highest I've seen was 137 at Cedar Point last year in May. I got there for the ERT at 9:30, but got there at 9:50, so only got two rides in on DB. We left around 1pm it was to crowed. Wish I brought my camera to get a picture of the parking lot. ;)

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BTW my friend lost his phone on diamond back, what are the chances he will get it back?

The condition of your firends phone depends on where he lost it. I got mine back in one piece but I lost is on the small hill on the return next to the Crypt exit. If it was from one of the taller hills I would not expect it to be functional.

yeah i know. But we called it and it would still ring so im guessing it is still functional. And what kinda phone did you have. We seen like two in the net when we went looking for his. both looked like verizon phones lol. saw a pair of sunglasses in the grass as well.

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