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Everything posted by Nicolasz

  1. Adventure Express (already mentioned) , Backlot Stunt Coaster (it counts right?), and The Beastie from 1980-2006 (even though the ride was built in 1972 the tunnel was added in 1980). And as you and plenty of others have said, it's a perfect fit for the park! I'm heading to Dollywood in two weekends and really excited for my first GCI! Hopefully Lightning Rod will open in time for my first RMC! It seems that there are way more people who like Mystic Timbers than dislike. I am one of them. And a lot of people pointing out the haters. Just pointing out an observation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Son of White Water Canyon? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. You do know that these "cookie cutter B&M's" are bringing in people, not chasing them away? The general, non-enthusiast public loves these "cookie cutter B&M's" and setting revenue records with the company. Well, that and Ouimets new business strategy, which focuses on on the best day possible, tries to stay away from rides from a company that almost killed an entire boat full of guests. A company that had to replace sections of track on not one, but two, 20+ million dollar coaster. And all of this information has been commonly known and has been repeated on this and other sites multiple times, almost to a point where it's just a pointless argument. In the end, Cedar Fair doesn't care about the 0.01%, just the general 99.9% will give guests the "best day" and set a good reputation for the parks that'll make visitors come back to spend more money. B&M satisfies the company from a guest and company standpoint. Sorry for this boring, cliché, and mostly unrelated post to the topic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I never really understood the whole "icing on a cake" phrase. Wouldn't a cake just be a oddly shaped loaf of flavored bread without icing? Mid Post Edit: After a two minute Google search, I learned in the beginning cake was just an oddly shaped loaf of flavored bread..... The more you know. And after some reading on this thread, a giga coaster and various others don't really fit this thread, for example we have a giga, wing, floorless, strata, etc. at Cedar Point. Even though King Ding Dong say outside of KI/CP, there even is Storm Chaser, an RMC at Kentucky Kingdom, which is even closer than Cedar Point. And after reading the thread title, "Types of Coasters We Don't Have?" I could see why people would list Kings Island only rides. It's just my silly little rant that is confused by the title and description of the thread. But to add to the conversation, the closest Mack Rides Multi-Lauch is in San Diego, and it looks great, but Helix and Blue Fire look absolutely insane, and those are in Europe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. There was, but the sale was a one day only sale a few days ago. Even if there was a Christmas in July sale, you would think there would be some information in the video or video description. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Are you talking about Invertigo's giant cousin? Some even say it's a Goliath..... Nicolasz, who really should stop while he still can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. G R E E N I N T A M A N C O W B O Y C O A S T E R Nicolasz, bringing back dead KI Central Trends in possibly the worst way possible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I feel Backyard Los Angeles Cowboy Coaster is better. Nicolasz, jumping on to old KI Central trends, in the worst way possible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Whatever happened to "Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know"? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I'd love either one, but RMC rides seem more intense with stronger airtime and forces. I'm going to enjoy whatever we get, but I'd rather prefer an RMC. Outlaw Run, Wildfire, and Lightning Rod all seem out of this world, top ten rides while the GCIs look ok to amazing, but not in the league of RMC. (I haven't ridden either manufacturer so my opinion shouldn't be as valid as others). Can't wait to ride our new GCI next year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'm sorry to crush all of your dreams but those blueprints look like a GCI, not an RMC. It looks like a less-twisty Prowler at Worlds of Fun, which is a GCI. I would absolutely love an RMC in that spot, but the blueprints don't lie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Red and green cups? Green B&M track? This means Kings Island is getting a Christmas themed cowboy coaster! Holiday World has some fierce competition coming their way! (Satire) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. If it was to be a terrain hugging multi-launch coaster like Maverick, it would most likely be made by Mack or B&M, not Intamin. An Intamin is surely possible, but not likely. If it was to be made by Mack or B&M, it would likely have very comfortable restraints, and very high capacity and reliability , which solves most of Mavericks problems, meaning we would have a big winner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would expect it would to be in August, due to it being the standard for major announcements in the chain. If it is something major, as a coaster per say I'd expect a countdown clock similar to Valravn or Fury 325 on the Kings Island website in Late July or Early August. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Does anyone know from prior experience to know how crowds will be this weekend? Will the park be dead or be like this past weekend? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Why would they be teasing a haunt attraction this early, and clearing land at the same time? It has to be a somewhat major attraction if they're teasing it this early. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Exactly! I'm putting my bet on a coaster of some kind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I heard from a friend that RMC had 3 projects in the United States this year. It is not likely that Six Flags will have all three, so could it be possible that that is what's happening? He learned this from a RMC factory tour. It would be surprising if that is actually happening. but just as surprising as putting a giga coaster in that spot, due to Diamondback already being there, as we all know. Most likely it will be a GCI, or log flume, but there is always a slight possibility some crazy things will happen. We will find out soon!
  19. I'm not sure if I should start a new thread for this but it's a simple question: There is only one bring-a-friend day on May 8th within the KI website right now...... Will dates be announced in future or am I missing a bring a friend schedule? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Not going to happen with the problems Cedar Point's Skyhawk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Millennium Force is far from "creme de la creme". Intimidator 305 and Fury 325 are much better rides than Millennium Force. We would most likely get something like Fury 325, and I would take that over a wood coaster any day. Unless it is a RMC..... Then count me in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. According to ScreamScape.com rumor has it that we will see a giga coaster next year and Canada's Wonderland will get a 2nd Generation B&M invert like Banshee. Along with our new giga we will get a new front entrance. It makes sense due to the other Cedar Fair parks getting giga's and new front entrances, but I thought Rob Decker said he didn't want a new front gate due to it taking away the magic of international street and the Eiffel Tower? I'm not sure he actually said that but you never know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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