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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Proably don't want to risk bad weather in th ewinter.
  2. Lets not think of where the park would be if Paramount still owned it. No Flight of Fear, Firehawk, or Diamondback.
  3. I dont think I saw any trims in the animation but saw them in Diamondbacks and the others. But tht doesnt always mean anything.
  4. Yes the facts usually win but in OJ Simpons case. I really don't know what to think about Son of Beast. It would be odd not seeing it in the Kings Island skyline though.
  5. I really would actually like to see more of a Wooden coaster thatis smooth, long, fast, and full of turns and ejector air. However, KI is really lacking a good inverted coaster.
  6. THe ride isn't Behemoth. I think its the hyper at LaRonda the name escpaes me right now.
  7. I hope I'm not in that situation. I can fit in all rides comfortably now but with my shoulders one time I wasnt able to ride Drop Tower but I was able to get on the other times. If there ever comes a day whee I can't ride a coaster I would take the hint and lose soe wieght.
  8. I don't think the park will ever seen another stand up again. I would rather see a coaster like maverick or maybe a mini rocket coaster like Storm Runner or a B&M inverted coaster.
  9. I think the Red coasters look great. Maybe they want them to stand out more.
  10. HMMM that seems pretty hard to do Let me know how that one turns out.
  11. I dont ride it that much since I really dont like the ride and the line moves so slow but on the few times I did ride it never had any problems.
  12. Yea there is hump there and if you have longer legs its really annoying.
  13. I remeber the last day they had some of the 1st hill and the lift topped off so I think this is coming together faster than Diamondback
  14. Yea I know I thought about that afte rI posted it but didnt feel like editing the post.
  15. It looks great but its hard to bbeat a 230 foot fist drop over the midway.
  16. If they were to get an Intmain drop ride which I am sure that is not the case I would rather see them get the one with the giant ring like at KD. The lines would def. be terrible at the point.
  17. Its funny how everyone on here never talked about Demon Drop until they find out its being relocated. Then everyone is like its my fav. drop ride. You guys crack me up.
  18. Tickets keep getting cheaper and the passes keep get more expensinve!?!?!?
  19. ^ I disargree with that. The back has the best airtime. Front has ejector air and the middle is right in bewteen.
  20. I just love Demon Drop because it really is a engineering mercial. Its almost all mechinical and its fun to watch. The Drop Towers today really arent as mechincal as Demon Drop is.
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