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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Yes because everyone goes on Friday and Saturday for Halloween Haunt.
  2. I would say little over 30 minutes or so for an average wait.
  3. Based on yesterday go to Flight of Fear and Firehawk first. Those lines will be really long later in the day after everyone rides Diamondback. I would also consider doing invertago and Drop Tower eariler in the day also. those lines move very slow. Diamondback ride it any time after the morning rush the line stays about the same throughout the day.
  4. I won a really nice shinney basketball from the 3 point long range game. I played with it one time and all the stuff pealed off it. LOL cheap prizes.
  5. Wow how are supposed to know if its going to be crowded or n ot. Even the park doesn't know.
  6. I wonder if they park changed something like the type of wheels used or maybe the ride is just broken in. I really wnat to find out.
  7. With tomorrow being the most busy day of the week though you would think they would want to make sure its working properly first.
  8. I could actually hear Diamondback from out in the gold pass parking lot. Nothing beats that sound.
  9. Has anyone noticed the new Diamondback Roar! When the ride first opened I was very dissapointed that it didnt have that mean B&M roar. I went to the park last week and tonight reminded me to post it. Have you heard the Diamondback roar. Im not sure if cause its broken in now or the park changed something but I like it.
  10. I saw them evac peeps on Firehawk. I wonder what happened I think the train was still up there at the end of the night but I can't remember.
  11. Plus that line is usually empty now.
  12. Outdoor lights like to attract bugs plus the massive Lake at Cedar Point. I rode MF in pourning rain one time and I had to close my hoodie complety shut cause it hurt so bad.
  13. I haven't been on Manta but from pictures I would vote for that ride. The theming is just amazing.
  14. You know whats funny. I feel I ride just a tad more on less crowded days. Its like I have all ready ridden everything so I might as well go home. Then again I dont live too far away from the park.
  15. $250 million. If downtown Cincinnait where to get this (I know it wont happen) It might put it some competion with Newport finnaly. What we need is the govenment to step up and take on projects like this to get the economy rolling again.
  16. At Cedar Point you show your pass to the guard standing by Raptor I think. If you go in the other gates it has to be a Plantium pass for them to scan it. Thats the way it was last year.
  17. Yea I like the both. I think thought the 78 dergree range is the magic number.
  18. When I was smaller it was the flat rides that scared me the most and not the roller coasters.
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