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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. If they gave it its 2nd program it had with some fog lighting it would be great. But they could tear it out and put a sweet mine ride roller coaster like Mystery Mine but bigger and more intense.
  2. Im glad I wasn't there. Glad to see the park busy though.
  3. ^ I don't know though. Two dark rides in the same area?
  4. I refuse to wait for Firehawk. The loading sucks and the line moves slow andto be honest I dont think the ride is all that.
  5. Im 6 foot 3 and at 230 pounds. I can't fit on dropzone. for some reason. Any other ride im good.
  6. Yea 75 cents is a good deal but remeber the lockers won't hold that much.
  7. Actaully I shouldn't say that. I should at least wait too see it when it gets put up.
  8. I have been assinged twice on a seat on Firehawk. I really dont mind specially at KI since I been on all the seats at one point or another. I like not having the station filled with people though.
  9. I am debating if I want to go to Holiday World or not. Its about a 2.5 hour drive. It just seems a long way to for 3 coasters. Whats the airtime on Voyage compare to Diamondback?
  10. I dont like the Diamondback line. Its just a pad of concrete and some sun shades.
  11. The ride has alos lost capcity. Keep in mide that. I like the ride with old trains better. It had the inversion and that just made the ride for me.
  12. I saw the same track peices you are talking about last year. I thought the slide was going to open up this year. Maybe they need to clear some room out first. I haven't been to the beach but once when I was little. It was a fun place to visit. I mighthave to make a return trip some time.
  13. I haven't gotten sick on any roller coasters yet. Invertago makes me feel dizzy for about a 30 seconds after I exit the station. Most spinning rides I can do without hurling but it awlays feels like im going to blow some chuncks!
  14. That doesn't work well at all. Its very rought. I play RCT3 more since I like adding more than one ride but as far as quality no limites if by far the best. I still find my self sometimes going old school and playing RCt2.
  15. Put in a GCI wooden there.
  16. I like airtime for the most part the bets but nothing can be a fast paced coaster.
  17. Prob. never unless the park closes or some other natural force would destroy it. You are never finished building a wooden coaster.
  18. Its a fun ride. I like it. It wasn't met to be big or bad just a fun ride that the entire family could ride.
  19. Look jusjt have fun at the park. Don't spend a lot of time trying to find the shortest line in the park since that waste more time than it would save. If you see a ride you want to ride just ride it and have fun. Dont worry about the line.
  20. Six I think its 8. You can ride the entire park though in about 3 hours on a Sunday
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