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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Since the scoops are in the last car I highly doubt it.
  2. Im kind of nervous. What is stopping someone from shimming up the support?
  3. The track will be done next week! It seems like yesterday they were clearing the land behind ISS and we were trying all guess why!
  4. I wonder how many people the line will hold. Maybe about 3000
  5. I saw a snake in the WWC line and one in the pathway where Sling Shot is. A guest picked it up and threw it in the trees some where.
  6. I just cant wiat to be able to take video and pictures of this thing. Will that pathway that was closed reopen?
  7. I don't know but Diamond Back is going to be one photogetic ride. It make take the prize most photographed coaster away from CorkScrew!!!!!
  8. Hard to tell if that is a trim break or not but I would guess its not since that just an odd place for one. Wouldn't a trim break usually be located going on the upside of hill like most B&M hyper coasters.
  9. Um... the SPPN will not be packed because there is no longer a SPPN. See the post that started this topic. I was talking about if there was one. I should type a little better I guess.
  10. Because teenageninja has been through the process of testing a new coaster. LOL burned. Isnt it like so many hours of testing then the state has to come and test it more?
  11. I always stop people that try to line jump. Usually there in the line part of the line if you know what I mean. Like I need to meet some one up there. No you need to tell them to come back here. It not only effects you but others in the line. That one person could mean you don't get to ride cause of a break down! I agree with you and stopping them. I would have done the same thing. The line starts at the sign!
  12. The SPPN will be packed no matter what but the ERT every day is great! I mean go on sunday morning for ERT Im am sure you will able to get two maybe three rides in at least. At CP I was able to get 5 rides on ERT at Maverick. You could ride Raptor, Maverick and Millieum if done right twice before the public can build the line up. I for one am hoping once the GP gets to ride diamond back a few times ERT will be mostly a walk on. You wouldnt be able to ride it until at least 5pm on friday and will be able to ride it at around 10:00 on saturday thats not that much longer.
  13. I don't really mind this at all. It will give me a chance to ride other rides in the park and spend good quality time there.
  14. ^ I dont see how big of a deal one day would be so I doubt that. So instead of having a preview day we can only get in the park 1 hour early on Saturday? I am kind of disapointed because I was going to make 2 trips to the park in the weekend and some company has a rent out on Sunday! WTF is this!
  15. Yea I am glad the lakes are gone. That what time does it changes things.
  16. I have lost a camera which I got back and a cell phone which I never got back
  17. I hope there won't be people in line smoking. I don't mind the cursing because I usually curse. I can't wait till April 17th. Soon the spring time will be here and we can get out of the house.
  18. Looks like they should finsh the track by next week. I think Behmoth was testing in March so I wonder if Diamondback will be the same.
  19. If they live in those houses they don't have a need to sneak in but I would think they would have to go threw a few barbed wire fences in the woods at least.
  20. I can't wait to see this thing in person. April 17th and 18th here I come!
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