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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I don't know so don't bash me for asking but A)What is the big deal about the hydraulic fluid being sprayed all over the place. Yea it might ruin someones clothes but a free T-Shirt(s) would have more than made it up for me unless it can damage your skin?
  2. On Sunday everything should be open expect the scrambler because that area is used to keep the haunted house line from over flowing on the pathway. However some rides are not going to be at full capcity because a train maybe off already for the winter rehab.
  3. I think he wants like River Town town an old western theme, not just gardens and ponds.
  4. I have been to SFKK and its really not that fun of a park besides Chang. This park kind of gives me the same feeling that Geauga Lake gave me when I visit there.
  5. I think Face/Off likes to valley coming down from the 2nd lift adn where those breaks are right before the loop.
  6. Yea I saw that thing. That also have the Star Trek ship that used to be in the Paramount Story crashed infront of Delirium. I really hope next year the midways are decked out more than they are this year specially Action Zone which you can hardly tell is an alien thing.
  7. Yea I like the barn idea and they could kind of make the ride feel like your flipping out of control in a tornado. Kind of like Twister at Universal Studios but only with a giant top spin.
  8. The ride is going to be rethemed to a river adventure or something along those lines.
  9. I rode the Villian and the rie is just plain borning.
  10. I rode Wicked Twister up at Cedar Point and I think they are okay if your only going to ride them a few times but after awhile say maybe 5 or 6 rides it really loses its punch.
  11. I am going tommrow (Friday) and Saturday. I would go Sunday but that is reserved for football games.
  12. How come at CP you can walk around the park before opening but at KI they have the rope drop? I like walking around the park since there is no "running of the bulls"
  13. I could maybe do the worm thing. Why does it cost $51 to get in the park.
  14. I would say Friday nights are way less crowded and your likely to have plently of time to do all the haunts and some rides on Friday. Saturday you can ride more in the morning and afternoon but the real crowds come around 6:00-6:30 and the park is usally packin by then. The crowds will start to die down around about 11:00-11:30 though.
  15. I know one thing though after your first 3 or 4 rides on TTD the thrill really dies down.
  16. Good grief that is insane. I think it would get borning after about 50 flips though.
  17. From when I am walking around the park at Cedar Point I hear numerous guest saying that there is no way they will ride it. Some people may not be tall enough, too fat, or other physical diabilities. Is this the first time there has been 1 million riders on TTD in a season?
  18. I never been to MA but it says that ThunderHawk will be the parks single most exesive ride. I think thats kind of funny cause the ride is used.
  19. Heres how I see the entire thing. Cedar Fair aren't see the numbers that they want to from KI and CP. If they close one park (GL) and those people that would normaly go there now have to choose a differnt park thus boosting the numbers for KI and CP.
  20. Who all is going to the park tonight? I will be there at about 8 till close. I think its going to be kinda of chilly so whoever is going I would advise bundling up.
  21. I woudl love to have something with the feel like Maverick. I love that coaster.
  22. No someting longer and faster than Volcano. I have a 3.0 Dual Core, 3GB of RAM, and a decent video card in my computer and the game will still lag.
  23. I really didnt like ThunderHawk. it looked cool but it wasn't that much fun/
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