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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I really like that Nick Car Wash idea. I guess that will be the new thing for 07.
  2. I scared my hands on the tunnel too last season. It was a night ride and even though I knew the tunnel was coming I didn't think anything would happen cause nothing did about 1000 times rides before it. It was really just a black and blue finger and that was about it.
  3. I never really find the line at PKI pass proceesing very long. It may look really like but they do have about 15 places that take your picture.
  4. I never been yelled at for putting my hands up on any coaster even at Cedar Point. The desginers make the cleanance for the coaster high enough were riders can put thier hands up with out any problem.
  5. I just get mine before the season ends that way I dont have to waste 30 minutes up and back.
  6. KNowing some of the people on ebay you will not get a refund. It is tuff luck.
  7. They should got the automatic Dippin Dots thing they we wouldn't have to listen to the dippin dots guy.
  8. How do you figure that one. The SOB is still open and The Bat didn't last as long.
  9. Not always I bevieve SOB opened on time and face/off. It still could be ready for opening day you never know. As much money PKI puts into the families and kids area I don't see them letting the entire kids area closed for a month.
  10. You must have bought some then Can't say I ever did but I heard it on the news that people were selling fake tickets.
  11. Yea which I am pretty sure there is a wieght snyc problem otherwise thier would be no reason not to load up the other side of the ride.
  12. You didn't get my point did you Adam. I was trying to say that it is going to take more than a few hours to set upo the rides because they are going to be permently fixed.
  13. No thats wrong because these are prement and will require a fixed base.
  14. Yes it may be just dirt but PKI isn't getting anything big either. Most of the the rides could be built in just a few days.
  15. You are wrong thier it is a wieght snyc problem.
  16. If a gaint top spin isnt themed really good I think that they suck because they can't move as fast as the smaller top spins.
  17. I rember back when PKIC started and I had to join twice for some reason. That car ride was freaking always jammed back too. Even on days it wasnt crowded the line was always full. Do they still have the old cars or did they finally get rid of them. I saw a few with the roofs off behind Delirium.
  18. It looks cool but when you have all those ride that close together I think it would suck. You need like some other rides in bewteen them like some coasters or something.
  19. Yea its nice that it is on a Saturday afternoon but this time you got to pay for it.
  20. ^ I was just thinking that or maybe they could add it to Coney Island. I think that the King Cobra's track and what not are beyond repair. Do they still have the supports for it anywhere?
  21. True but to get value up they woudl have to build new things and make the park a nicer place to be
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