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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. It would be a great Holiday gift for a PKI fan!!! What is that supposed to mean?
  2. That pickle story was the mosy conry thing I have ever seen.
  3. Does anyone want to buy me this I will give you 5 bucks for being the middle man.
  4. I would have gave you my book and you of PKI and you could have had it o well.
  5. I never said anyones idea was stupid I believe you were the one who was talking crap!
  6. See this this is excatly why I dont even state anythign on this site because its people like you who all they do is bash people and put them down. Start acting your age and grow up a little and realize the people have the right to there own ideas. Anyway with that said why would you pay $20 bucks to look at some lights when you could go to that light drive threw thing in Sharonville and be in your nice warm car. At PKI you got to pay for parking pay for a ticket just to get you inside the gate and you got to pay even more to ice skate.
  7. I still think it would be pretty fun however at least it would be able to pass some time other than looking at the dull lights.
  8. Yea but I mean how long can you stare at the lights before they lose thier effect? Its only a few minutes they really need to have some more things to do and keep the guest busy. They could just open up the train which is allreday open anyway!!!!!
  9. Whould you rather go around in circles going 2MPH or slide down some ice slides? I think they could still put the lights up and the winter stuff. I mean you can only look at the lights so long before they bore you and you could ice skate in the wave pool!!!!!
  10. Why would they have to open alot of the other park just use the water park entrance and the building over there I think it would be freakign sweet! And then they jst could have the water park area open and its not like it would get too crowded cause I am sure not that many people woudl be going.
  11. I was at the beach water parks site and I saw that they freeze one of the water slides over and they let you slide down it!!!! I think PKI needs to move the winter fest area over to the water park and do some of this with the slides. I think it would be so much fun. What do you guys think?
  12. Yea the launch on Hulk was great and so different.
  13. Well here is my thing. This year everything had to be bought brand new and next year they will be able to reuse stuff and add more things for peoples enjoment so I guess over time it will be a nice event to attend. Hopefully they don't give up on it and keep trying to get things right because it could be a real money maker when they do.
  14. I thought the best year for fearfest was the first one. It really was great no lines for much of anything and they had the houses spread out and not all bunched up in one area.
  15. I don't like the fact that when PKI advertises stuff they make it seem like it is more than what it is. Actually they lie on some facts and use video from other parks.
  16. How can it go faster everything falls at the smae rate.
  17. Go to photo bucket and upload your photos there and then use the IMG code in your post and there you go.
  18. I think it is a pretty good idea and be sure to count me in on it.
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