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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. PKIC just put my video that I made for all of you PKI fans. Just go to the video section of the site and comment what you think so I can make better movies. Thanks alot PKIC for hosting the video.
  2. They havent done any work in awhile. I wonder what is going on and why they stopped working on it.
  3. I would love to have a copy. Im guessing you need us to send a tape or something right?
  4. Hey maybe that means we will finaly get the big coaster we all have been waiting for. LOL
  5. The sob it is much smoother.
  6. I dont know why everyone keeps saying Flight of Fear because that ride does have a high capcity but the monster also has a very slow moving line,
  7. I heard a worker was feeding a lion and the lion bit his arm off while he was feeding him.
  8. This is a hard question but I will have to say John Allen. I know he is not a company but he made some of the best wooden coasters and he revied the coaster era.
  9. What is the source of this information.
  10. Its of King Island and it is around 3 minutes long. it is 39,0403 KB
  11. I went to Kings Island om June 3rd and I made a video. The qualtiy isn't too great cause it came from my digital camera which takes good pictures but not video. Its a large file so I can not email it but it you IM at flightoffear1996 I will be happy to send it to you. MODS- I wasn't sure what topic to put this in so if it in the wrong one please move it.
  12. I looked at the slide today and it funny hearing the peeps scream out of the pipe but all it all it looks like it be pretty boring to me.
  13. I can almost bet it will have sometime thing like Hollywood in the Midwest or something like that on the sign.
  14. They should take out Splat City and put a flying supersoaker in but for 2005 they need to add a major coaster. It has now been 4 years without a major coaster. Flying supersaturators may be low capcity but so is SDGC and Dropzone and many other rides at PKI one more won't hurt.
  15. Was it going to be like a pay per ride thing or just a normal ride.
  16. Why would someone want cancle a meeting day?
  17. That is gonna be huge looks like it is going to be double or triple of what the old sign was. Good old mother nature does it again. (AKA gets something new at the park)
  18. Yea it is kinda of hard to say since they are made to be way different just give the SOB some time it will live up.
  19. I going to be an outcast like Amber and say the Son of Beast is much better. It has more hills drops loops and still has that great wooden feeling.
  20. yes its true that America is turning fat but some people can't help it. Like people with eating disorders or a very slow metablism or a high stress life. Just because someone is differenet doesn't mean you should make fun of them. :offtopic: Yes I know its off topic but I find that post really disturbing.
  21. When happen and is it going to be the same thing or a 3d one. I think a 3D theater would be kinda of cool
  22. So was the park packed??? I really really miss PKI and haven't been since opening day and wont be going until next weekend.
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