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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I liked the ride and while it was rough and never really bothered me. The ride.to me was well short of amazing though that's for sure
  2. Wow get out from under a rock. Oil is a limited resource. Countries such as China are growing.very rapidly right now and putting pressurr on the oil supply and not to mention poltical unease in middle east. The united states has been depended on oil since the birth of the country but now it drives our economy. I drive a truck that gets 9.5 mpg if I am lucky and I wouldn't want to drive in a smaller car but 4-5 a gallon doesn't put pressure on my budget either. If there was an alternate fuel source that could put out.the power my engine does I'm all for.it. Solutions to high gas - legalize weed and online gambling. Tax them.and use the revenue to invest in a usable public transportion or subizide gas. The higher gas goes less money people have on other things by legalize weed you will generate billions in tax dollars and save billions wasted prosicuting for weed.
  3. ^ As well as the super bowl champs the giants, They actually share the stadium with the Jets.
  4. I have been reading that on a few websites lately. I wonder if it will new techonogly?
  5. I think this is up from last years 3500?
  6. the trains are already on the Cedar Creek Mine ride. http://screamscape.com/html/cp_-_general_0.htm
  7. I'm kind of disapointed in the action river. Can't us old people have a nice ride to just relax on?
  8. I miss you King Cobra. You were awesome! Much better than Delirium and that pay per ride Sling Shot
  9. Once the riders get to the "tiolet" part of the slide I wonder how they are seperated in which lane it chooses to put the sliders in? I orginaly thought there was only one exit but it appears to be 2.
  10. You might bump each other but I doubt you would hit someone hard.
  11. Wow a giga flying eagles would be insane. I think no snapping rule wou ld be in place
  12. I vote the antique cars. I didnt really ride them too much but I really do miss them
  13. O didn't get a pass this year or last year. I lime posting on the forums and still have a love for the park but.time dictates all things
  14. How do you know WindSeeker takes you up 301 feet. That's is probaly how tall the tower is
  15. Life isn't fair. People with more money can do more things. Half the fun of going to the park is talking to friends/family while your standing in line. I look at all the spoild rich people in airplanes taking thier dream vactions everyday while I can't do it. Just learn to be thankful what you got.
  16. You can search all you want but I doubt you will find anything on that. Can anyone else believe the area's largest/best hotel Great Wolf is listed on the featured hotels.
  17. These things make me less likey to buy thier product since they annoying me so much.
  18. Who ever taped the show.probaly just thought the.ride.looked cool.and.wanted it in all.the shots
  19. I see a nice spot for a new slide. They need to have a lazy river from to avoid some of the walking in bare feet on the concrete.
  20. Yea how is this show even still on the air. Horrible!
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