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Everything posted by slingshooter0607

  1. Tried it on PT..But when we went to get off I seen the cameras and felt bad...An amusment park just isnt the place for that ya know.I know one time in line for DZ( who ever said saying somethin that made them embarassed reminded me of this)but this couple were everything close to just having sex right there in line and everytime the line would move..they would hold it up..So we got across of them and my group and the group in front of us made friends .So the lady in the group in front of us went under the bar and got in front of them..So we all did the same and they didnt even notice it..B4 they knew it the were at the back of the line.But I said it before..An amusment park just is'nt the place for it and its bad when Im 14 and think that people go a little to far in public.
  2. When my girlfriend and I go to the park..I make sure that we dont do that.. 1.It makes us both look bad 2.There are younger children there 3.An amusment park isnt the place for that..Wait untill were alone... I know when people do that..I understand that they are jus showing affection but c'mon..Save it for the Holiday Inn Rosco.I mean..Its bad when Im 14 and think that people go to far.. Holding Hands...Kissing (Not like eating each others faces/..But kissing)and stuff like that Im ok w/ ..But it gets to wear some of thier cloths are commin up and down and un-buttoned..And sometimes its pretty nasty. And its NOT funny to leave a condom wrapper in a garden..Thats just NASTY..(Noticed this walking back to WWC..)People go WAY TO FAR in public now-a-days.
  3. Here ...The Subway prices arnt as high.I think that the best prices are in that candy store on the right side of International Street.99¢ will buy you a decent sixe bag of just about any kind of candy you want..But like at "Its Fried" and little shops like that..Thats where they get ya..almost 6 bucks for 5 chicken portions.And that Subway...Me and my friends all tasted a difference then what we have here at home.And they only got cold cut meats and tuna ...Im startin to miss Sweet Tooth.Lol
  4. I thought that like only 4 or 5 of the monkeys in that room are from the movie and the others are models.And yes..In the movie..They make that thing look ALOT bigger then what it really is.But see..Me and my friends..Rode the ride before we even seen the movie..Haha.
  5. I <Who am about 15 minutes from Camden Park> hehe..Thats what I was todl also about the ThunderBolt.I cant even remember the last time it operated.I rode it once when it was at Camden Park.But...In front of the entrance to it ,there is a sign that said OPENING 2002...Welllllll...Its '03 and the thing is still a pile of rust.If you look at coastergallery.com under Camden Park...It MIGHT have some pictures of it on there.Their wooden coasters The Big Dipper and The Little Dipper are falling apart as well..They only add new wood on the track when the ride does'nt pass inspection..Its a great place to go if your bored in the summer.
  6. ^^Advice....:Stop while your ahead^^ I would like to see King Cobra return.Don't get me wrong..I wouldn't be upset at all if PT was to return and I LOVE Delriuim but..King Cobra was always a must ride.But look on the bright side..With all these rides going..We are gettin some pretty nice themes for newer,bigger rides.I would LOVE to see a B&M Stand-Up themed to snakes and stuff like that and be called "Cobra's Revenge" or something along those lines.And a truly scary haunted house attraction having to do something w/ PT.But back on track..I would want KC back.
  7. Yeah..I notice that the track back behind TG and SOB seemed to be shrinking in number.I could be wrong though.Those trams are still back there...
  8. That would be an awesome theme.The Bats Revenge.Or somethin along those lines.If only a bat and a cobra some how corresponded..We would have the theme for racing/dueling inverts like Dueling Dragons at IOA.That would be great.
  9. Awesome ride..Nothin like it around the Midwest...Its even better if ya can catch it open..Then its even better..Haha..No..Really..If the lines isnt long and you got time..Make a ride of it.Its great.
  10. The tallest,fastest ,only looping wooden coaster EVER and you want it to be hid?Ok..Your voice..
  11. Not an employee but frequent park goer..I think Monday and Tuesday is the best 2 day.Mondays usally arnt bad .And on "Double Ride Tuesdays" it usally is any more crowded..Jus alot of confusion to GP.Before I got my pass I used to get realy upset but ..Its not bad..Usally just one more ride cycle at the most to wait for double ride.But Monday and Tuesday..
  12. I FOR SURE want a copy! show_me_ur@hotmail.com Haha..Jeff HAS to find out...He would get a kick outta this..No Doubt I bet this is gonna be a great game..Keep us updated!
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