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Banding Banshee

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  1. That is what I meant lol. I used the wrong word
  2. In a matter of ten minutes two concrete truck have gone into ki. Possibly pooring footers/footings today?
  3. Everyone has their pair of #coastershorts
  4. Where is the guy with CAD where we can actually get the spot on stats of this coaster
  5. So 300’ drop. How tall is it? Can’t wait to ride this thing
  6. John Matarese where you at?
  7. Great find @sixohdieselrage. Just left mason city hall and here are some more pics of the plans.
  8. Today the footers are poored and there is an electric truck on site. The company is craftsman electric. My guess is haunt attraction or maintenance building
  9. Remember the Leaked Prints could be fake. And the ride may actually use the Firehawk area
  10. I was in daytona right by the boardwalk when that happened. My mom called and thought I was on it lol
  11. I went this morning at 8 am. I didnt ask for all KI blueprints from the last month but I did say “I heard I can get the blueprints for KI new coaster” then I was handed the same document you were given
  12. Great post @RuthlessAirtime ive been driving for 2 hours trying to think everything through and all the possibilities and i couldnt even figure out where to start. I do have a question though. If these leaked plans were real would we be able to find information on if Kings Island or b&m filed a lawsuit against the person for breaking NDA?
  13. This might sound crazy but what if Kings Island is just trolling us
  14. I have a feeling these blue prints are fake... It's highly unlikely that right as soon as someone posts the blue prints someone immediately posts a map with terrain and the exact layout etc.. Seems like someone made and had that ready and was just waiting for the right moment to post it to start a lot of things
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