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Everything posted by RedSummit20

  1. Where did you find these photos at those are so cool!
  2. Not to pop your bubble or anything but a petition isnt going to do anything. Like the one for the Coney Island rides. It's the fact if this does happen which i hope it DOES NOT. There is nothing we can do about it besides sit back and watch our beautiful park come tumbling down.
  3. See im trying to wrap my head around that too, but we get stuff typically pretty fast. More than other Cedar Fair parks do and imo thats good! I am super sad to see that thing go. But that will open that land up and Coney Mall is changing for the future. I think we will get something for our 50th, might not be a coaster but we typically get some kind of upgrade each year. (we need a new parking lot) lol
  4. Let me put my 2 cents into this. Think about it whenever Ki gets rid of a "Major attractions" they typically put one if not better in its place. I am so sad about this. I really am, i personally love Vortex! Its a great ride. But think we are getting Orion in 2020, this will open this land up for 2022 for Ki's 50th, might not be big but im sure we will get something. I think the land will sit vacant for a year or two then we will start to see something. Thoughts??
  5. Someone call Clermont Steel ask them who they use lol
  6. Hey!! I follow you guys on Facebook didnt know you were on here!

  7. Hopefully they start the lift hill soon, i hope they are done by the end of Haunt!! That would be bad a$$ to see that above the fog!!
  8. Right lol i think i might have a extra TV laying around not sure. Thanks for sharing!
  9. wow he11 yeah. thats awesome. Great picture too it looks like.
  10. True, i should go buy a cheap $100 TV just for this lol
  11. Nice!! What are you using to stream that to the tv with like a chromecast or something?
  12. Awesome thanks, sorry im new to this site. I love Ki been going for 30 plus years!!
  13. Maybe making the ravine bigger? Tunnel? that would be cool
  14. Do you guys think there will be a huge plaza area like they have for Banshee?
  15. What was everyones thoughts on Rivertown Reaping, we walked through it close to closing time and there were hardly any monsters.
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