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  1. I can not help, but to acknowledge the fact that 2022 is the parks 50th anniversary. Orion could be the addition to get the Giga check mark. Vortexs removal could be the long planned step to make way for something incredible for the parks 50th anniversary. Or not, they honestly didn't do much for CPs 150th as far as major rides are concerned.
  2. And the camera is off. lol And now its not.
  3. Once the equipment was available they moved fast to remove the station and track from The Bat wing to the bottom of the lift. Now they appear to have stalled? After how Firehawk and SOB came down I didn't expect this to last more than a few days. Have they maybe moved their focus to the path work before turning back to tearing the rest out or could there be something else in the works? Personally, I think it is what they have implied and Vortex is coming all the way down, I just really enjoy the speculation of "what if".
  4. Looks like they remembered the WeatherBug camera. It’s just black for me today.
  5. Liability or just having the ability to control the flow of information. Though professionals can complete this type of task without issue, occasionally things do happen that are unpredictable. If a part of the demo doesn't go to plan it could garner media or spectator attention which could just slow the process. I would also wager they want to control the type of detail that is disseminated around social media as to prevent anything that could happen that is bad being the lead picture/video on Facebook for the next few months.
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