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IndyGuy4KI last won the day on July 9

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    Going to Kings Island.

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  1. What has to be very hard for Kings Island management is they are told what they are doing by corporate. Then the park looks like they themselves are incompetent or incapable when they don't have much say in the matter. That has to be most frustrating for them. I really do feel bad for them in that regard.
  2. I would agree @BB1. So far it seems to be more of a positive for the SF parks. In turn, a more stable company moving forward for all parks.
  3. There is probably nothing productive to add to this thread at this point. So it will now be locked. If there was an ounce of truth to the claims mentioned, we hope the park addressed them and rectified any wrongdoings. To be clear we are on the side of the park, and want it to be the best park for everyone including a successful communications department. KIC promotes the park as much as we can on our social channels. We do this because we love and appreciate the park for bringing everyone so much joy.
  4. It is really good. That might be the only thing I will be splurging on at GC.
  5. That was pretty quick turn around to start adopting the Cedar Fair policies.
  6. Watch the opening day of Grand Carnivale!
  7. Experienced the event yesterday evening. The decorations looked good. The parade was awesome. The few people I found that purchased food said it was really good. I will say the food looked wonderful. The key word there is looked. I will likely not purchase individual food. It seems that is the consensus among a lot of the guests at the park. At any given time there were 0 to 3 people in line at a food stand. With the tasting cards in previous years there were 5 to 10 minute waits to order at every food stand. If I was a KI gold tag, I would be on the phone with Charlotte and telling corporate to send me tasting cards ASAP. Otherwise it will be very likely for the first time ever this event at KI will loose a lot of money. A look at a few of the food items. I would recommend giving them a try if your are ok purchasing a tasting for 3/4 the price of a full meal. .
  8. Do we think we will see tasting cards return before the event ends?
  9. We will use this thread for Grand Carnivale reviews and tips. We hope you enjoy the event this season. Food Tents - 5 to 9 PM Opening Procession - 6:00 PM RetroSpect - 6:30 PM The Spectacle of Color Parade - 9PM
  10. 100%. My wife and I have always bought a tasting card. At that point you've invested into the experience and you're going to actually get the food you paid for. We are not going to put the effort into going to each country and invest into getting something.
  11. At the park right now and still blocked off.
  12. Why have we had it as long as we have? It works at our park. Not saying another event won't replace it, but I think it must be a successful event to go as long as it has.
  13. We actually did this a few weeks ago when we went. Dinning plan was on the band along with our Fast Track. (Their Fast Lane) Simplifies the whole process. You just add it at the KIOSK what was purchased online or buy it there. Scan your QR Code, scan your wristband (If you already have one) or it spits out a band if you need one. If you buy something later you can just add to to your existing band. It as very nice! I love their cup refill stations as well. Scan the QR Code on the cup, it activates the Pepsi dispenser for like 20 seconds to fill up your souvenir cup. It even tells you how many oz's you added. I do wonder why (now SIX) has not started adding them at their smaller parks to see how it works.
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