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Everything posted by CoasterJack

  1. The Making of Phantom Theater at Kings Island with RIck Bastrup Stumbled upon this video from only 5 days ago with an interview about R&R with Rick Bastrup himself. Found it an interesting watch, and figured some of you might enjoy a watch...
  2. Whenever I visit with friends from out of town, they almost always mention that KI has a sort of park pride not found in many other places. Whether it's management, employees or enthusiats, we all seem to have passion for what we do/enjoy and are proud of what Kings Island has to offer. While certain other Six Flags parks may have some cool flagship coasters, the experience from the employees as well as the park as a whole often feels lackluster in comparison
  3. I've heard rumblings as well, but where I'm curious here is, if nothing is planned for that plot at the moment, why remove it. Sure it reduces the amount you have to pay for staffing, but I assume on the days it operates, they definitely make more in revenue than they spend on staffing. Assuming the $10-20 range, 4 employees being paid $18 optimistically. After payroll fees and taxes that's like 5-10 guests an hour to make a slight profit. Assuming we factor in a bit more for electricity and upkeep, but even then, I've seen them work through a lot of paying guests on the weekends, so I fail to see how reducing staff on an attraction that brings in additional revenue is necessarily a good thing for business long term. Unless of course the attraction costs more to operate and staff that it brings in. Sure slingshot was removed, but they placed a new land and attraction within a year. I'm curious to hear thoughts from others...
  4. After branching out and visiting other parks over the past few years, I'm very grateful for even KI's normal operating hours. The amount of parks that don't even stay open far past dinner time, let alone dusk is often disappointing
  5. Yes they're full bathrooms like the rest of the normal ones around the park, they are a bit hidden around past Antique Autos
  6. Would have to agree, the "Invertigo Restroom is my go to for #2. The door to outside is usually shut so the AC stays inside the building, it's clean and I'll have the place to myself as it's usually not to crowded. The restrooms back by WindSeeker are never busy for me since they removed Vortex, but it's not as cold or clean usually. Worst would have to be the bathroom just beyond the front gate with only one stall, and it's always packed. Some Runner-up locations include the one before the front gate with the awkward urinal setup, the restrooms by Backlot Stunt Coaster recieves way too much traffic, the stalls are pretty rusty, and it can get nasty on busy days, and then I agree with Festhaus as said above. I agree restroom is a restroom, and most of them at KI are pretty decent, with their only fault being the crowd levels. CP on the otherhand... Other than the ones by the mine ride, every single one I went into was hot, steamy, disgusting, and filled with bugs. Honestly one of the things I took away from my first trip was that their park infrastructure lacks in terms of RRs. Can't remember which one, but the stall doors were so misalligned, when one kid slammed the door, the locks came undone and opened all the other stalls on guests
  7. I mean, they do technically have two coasters in each session if you count woodstock express or soap box racers. I think they try and isolate guests in certain areas of the park for early entry, but even then, they could add The Bat or Delirium to Banshee, and Racer or Adventure Express to Orion.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t24NTopV4Wg What about reusing part of the crypt building for an indoor/outdoor temple themed roller coasters, sort of like this "Jungle Rush" rollercoaster from Australia. I think they could do a little better with theming, as the walls are a little blank in certain areas. But I think the height of the box might help for some of the lift sections. I know it seems a little similar to soap box racers, but I think they could change the layout enough to make it a unique experience
  9. Hoping to visit Holiday World for the first time in June. Anyone have any recommendations, tips, etc?
  10. Same here. Plus if there's rain in the forecast, I know it's a solid coaster I can still rely on some rides. And it's a great winterfest attraction
  11. Honestly if they just extended the back of the building a little, or maybe this is similar to that "indoor/outdoor coaster" seen in the surveys. Something like that sounds awesome, though they need to work on the reliability aspect. DarkKoaster might be the least reliable ride at BGW, though I've heard part of this is due to issues with the track switch
  12. I think that might be AI generated too. The path of the yellow slide doesn't really make sense, it doesn't connect to anything in the tower
  13. Literally just left, otherwise I would've checked. Tonight was possibly the most dead I've seen the park in ages. Enjoyed 15 minutes of ice skating by myself, solo train on Flight of Fear, and was the only person eating at Coney BBQ. After looking at the other Winterfest parks, apparently we're the only one open during this week (outside of Knotts, which well runs 365). I know it usually picks up later in the week, but still caught myself off guard.
  14. I agree, I honestly think overtime the updated Carowinds and Cedar Point enterance plazas won't age as well. KI sort of has a more timeless feel to it, even if it does feel less up to date in the moment
  15. A bit confused...would you be able to elaborate a bit?
  16. Totally agree about the lack of shade. I've been cooked alive in those barrels some days, especially with the middle rings heating up in the sun, it's hot to the touch. However I've had no issues with the spinning aspect. My family and I have spun till I've lost my balance trying to get out of the barrel. The barrels do feel heavier compared to a traditonal teacup ride, but once you get them going, they're a blast
  17. Hasn't Koontz said he wants something done with the Crypt Building before retirement. Could we see this be his magnum opus to his family additions . But in seriousness, I do think this could be a possibility. I can see a project that would cost somewhere in the range of a coaster, but not necessarily a coaster. So the crypt box, or I'm on board with a Boo Blasters Retheme...
  18. Wasn't a completely sold on the inital idea, but I honestly think it turned out really well. Countless families I know love the spinning barrels (they see it like the tea cup ride for disney), and I think the area as a whole feels more alive. It's nothing mindblowing, but I love the small details from the boat to the Adventure Express temple head. I wish we still ended up with the fountain in the proposed artwork, but the bamboo, the music, the stained concrete, I think for as small of an area it was a job well done. My only complaint is I do wish for a bit more shade. Slingshot was big enough with the fence as well you didn't see right into Banshee. They planted some smaller trees that will grow in behind the flat rides, which I think will help the area mature over time. It feels a bit bare and it ruins the feel of the area having the huge invert lurking in the background, but I think they did well with what they had.
  19. Lovely top comment on today's first update of Siren's Curse construction. Gave me a good laugh I'll link the Construction Update Below as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sCqxiPPV94
  20. To be fair I recieved another one this morning and it was already fixed, seems like someone else noticed as well
  21. Today's Youtube Advertisement for KI with a lovely spelling mistake . The link is legit too...
  22. Even if the cost is high, whether it be the proposed motion stage or a flying theater, its not to say the programming and show couldn't change every few years similar to action theater. You could market it as an entire new ride if ridership begins to drop, and then long term it could be a worthly investment. You could even make a more extreme version for haunt, or holiday version for winterfest
  23. While I know many people who do want a new large coaster, I also know countless families that have enjoyed the new flat rides, and Soap Box Racer. In fact I feel like not too long ago quite a few members on here were begging for a large new flat ride package. While I agree they shouldn't completely avoid coasters, I do think they help round out the park. I've ran into countless friends in line for the Cargo Barrels, quite a few like the Antique Cars, and Soap Box Racers only adds another thing to our great kids area. As much as the camp snoop refresh was disappointing, it still runs circles around most other areas in the chain outside of maybe Knotts. I do agree that KI deserves better in terms of another large investment, but it's not like they're not spending money on the park. Sometimes I think we forget all the little improvements and renovations. They recently redid jukebox and chicken shack with new kitchen equipment. The lazy river concrete work and Mondo Monsoon pump room wasn't cheap either, or the bathroom renovations, new ice cream stand, new Action Zone drink stand or even the bars (as much as I don't like them, they are infrastructure). From what I've talked about with Mr. Koontz, I think he chooses to spend more of the budget on park infrastructure and improvements, as well as staffing compared to similar counterparts in the chain. And while this might eat into the new attraction budget, and we've had other entertainment slashed, I do trust the park management has good intentions on running the park at the best level they can given their resources. Though I do worry how much more corporate will continue to slash at their budget down the road, will we see the drones and fireworks reduced to weekends, less haunt and winterfest changes, less staffing, etc. KI has killer pass revenue, and I wish more would go back into the park
  24. Personally I think a multi-launch roller coaster would be a great fit in The Vortex plot of land, something similar to Pantheon, but a lot of enthusiasts seem to want something similar to a ride called Voltron at another park called Europa Park in Germany. But I also think more indoor attractions would serve the park well in order to allow the park to better serve guests on days with inclement weather, as well as Winterfest as the temperature drops. Another indoor roller coaster like the Mummy from Universal, or a new dark ride would be incredible.
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