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  1. Yes it gets cold down on the ice to skate. But if you keep moving and do not stop you will be fine on the ice.
  2. Well frist they have see how the ride broke then they have to fix it. I don't think puttting a new cable on will fix the ride. TTD is big and alot could have gone wrong or broke with the metal under the train.
  3. I thought the employees AT where doing a good job of getting the class on June 30th. They would not let us leave with out giving them the glasses. They did the samething when I was on Men In Black and Spiderman at IOA and USF before they let you leave the ride. They tould us that did not have alot left and everyone was very nice about it.
  4. Yes the park has time to make things better. Kings Island is a season park its not open all year around like Disney alot of people forget this. So I don't think any new ride programs will come unless something bad goes wrong.
  5. The Park owns Nick and all of the cartoon rights. Also their are two rides in Nick Central. If anything goes in Nick it will be the Watermaze and the stage area. All of the other Paramount parks have added more rides to their Nick Central why not PKI?????? I can see more kids rides and a Flat or small coaster in 2005.
  6. I was at the park on the 30th and the water fall for the lake in the middle of the old fashion cars was turned off. Some of the parts that had water where all dry and look like they just took out a bush. I saw them repairing Congo Falls that day also so not sure not sure about that ride.
  7. Well in that late 80's this happend every year. KI took all of the good flat rides out and did not replace them.
  8. I could see PKI adding a 4D moive to AT next year. I would be nice if they did put something where flight commander was at in the mall. That is to good of a area to waste on pay for rides and nothing.
  9. WildCat

    Best Flat

    Well I don't see the Monster on here but I pick that.
  10. The problem was I could not get off the ride. I was in the middle brake run with the lights on in Flight of Fear. I was at the point and got stuck on Gemini and they gave me a free pass to the front of Millennium Force.
  11. Classic rides are fun. I will be going to Kennywood soon to ride some classic rides that PKI had along time ago. Shame you have to drive that far just to get to the classic rides.
  12. You think getting stuck on Tomb Raider is bad try getting stuck on Flight of Fear for 20 min. You would have thought someone would have tould us what was going on but we got please be seatted. They did not give us anything.
  13. WildCat


    This was not about rides being romoved or starting rumors. I just what to know some good places to take pictures. If a ride does get removed it would be nice to have a picture of it. Seeing that I will be going to 2 other parks outside of Paramount I do not read these boards alot.
  14. WildCat


    I will be going to KI soon, anyone know whats spot in the park that might not be their next year? I know about the old fashion cars rumor. What else is a good area or ride?
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