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  1. Thank you for reposting one of the pictures!
  2. Yes, Kiss 107 FM had a deal at the park last weekend: Go bald, get a free 2005 gold season pass. PKIU member PKI Man now looks even more frightening! Picture 1 Pic 2 Yet another one Here's a look at pure evil!
  3. Topic has been split, please keep on topic.
  4. lol @ winner of poll so far. This has got to be a joke.
  5. Very nice update. The Spaland one is the best IMO, because of all of the Steel Dragon jokes and the hilarious t-shirts. "This is something!" I so want one of those shirts.
  6. Sorry about the lack of polls lately, but as you know there is a little thing called a life. Right now my life is really busy with work, school, theater, applying to colleges, I think you get the idea.
  7. *saw the sign today* Yeah, text looks just like it used to. Looks like the same software. Only difference was FearFest ad had the words rippling like waves.
  8. 1. Yes, Sparky is getting much better at leaving topics open, which leaves the rest of us mods with less complaining from posters. 2. I would be going about the same, because of work.
  9. That picture is a classic. I didn't hear about this, as I wasn't in the park when the path was open. I worked an open on sunday (because practice got cancelled), but left as soon as my shift ended.
  10. Yeah, Dracula was in there.
  11. Nickelodeon Wins! Sorry about the lack of polls lately, I've been busy and hadn't thought of many good polls recently. A frightfully new POTW will be up after the next weekend.
  12. Yeah, it was really good. I finally got to meet Hoskins (well, just say hi as he left). Here are my reviews: Psycho Path: Some parts were different (corn field at start), some parts stayed the same (talking head guy). It was my favorite maze/path thing last year (Route 666 not included, I liked that the most, but it wasn't a maze or path really), let's see how it compares with the other ones I did this year. Curse of the Crypt: This was the first time I had been through this maze, and I liked it. I had heard about the crawl space part, so I knew what was coming, but I was still freaked out about the girl there. The mummy coming out was a cool part, I got a good look at the costume, and it was really well done! I liked this much more than Maze of Madness last year, but not as much as the Path. House of Darkness: Very cool and creepy. I liked how they kept stopping you in different rooms and had the creatures talk with you. The execution scene at the end was ok, the live actor getting sawed by the buzz-saw was cool, but the electocuted guy was obviously fake, and not to mention I had seen it at an online store. The ending was kinda anti-climactic though. Also, the baby-doll girls room was cool, yay for blacklights! They were cool, in a split-personality kinda way. So now, 2 years, and 5 mazes/paths/rides later, my top 5 of FearFest! 1. Route 666 (RIP) 2. House of Darkness (anti-climactic yes, cool scenes, yes) 3. Psycho Path (nice additions, not as much "lost in the woods" as before, which is what I liked most about it) 4. Curse of the Crypt (Too predictable, not as scary) 5. Maze of Madness (NOT SCARY)
  13. Yet another uncreative ride. A clone of an uncreative ride, what is this industry coming to?
  14. I split the topic. From now on, only IJST talk goes here. FoF talk goes to the new topic I made. Stop Whining.
  15. What exactly would be the cost of this event?
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