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Everything posted by robintodd

  1. This show is off the hook, off the chain and out of this world! It is simply the best thing they have ever done in that space. As far as shows this year (being a theatre guy who started a community theatre) I'd still have to give it to Phantom over this. But it is close . FFF is my favorite with Phantom second, Rails third. Although to be sure all of the offerings this year have exceeded my expectations! Kudos to everyone who had something to do with pulling of a very good 1st performance. I look forward to seeing it many more times this year.
  2. That's where I'm at when I see it.
  3. I apologize for coming across condescending. I may have went a little out of line. Please realize that when people put out "blue sky ideas" it may come across as critical. (I've been guilty of it as well). Like PTE not being long enough or "having the 3 headliners actually perform a bit more instead of cramming it into a rushed production number", or the "seemingly sloppy, unprofessional way to end the street party parade with how items are taken back afterward. I praise the park at guest relations and to the staff all the time, but also have never posted anything here I would say to them or have not said the them personally. LOL or no LOL. KI employees read these posts too and I'm always trying to be conscious of their feelings. I'm positive the view KI wanted wasn't one of being "seemingly sloppy and unprofessional" and there is probably good reason for the way things are done. Criticism is hard to give and take and I always try to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I'm afraid I missed the mark with my last comment and for that I hope you'll accept my apology. I'll try to keep that in mind in the future, I hope we all do.
  4. Hey Indy my Der Spinning Keggers post got 10 likes! (personal record for me ) How about a poll question for a new flat?
  5. Last time I saw the show it was Brady Bunch. Maybe a copyright issue? Either one would be fine with me. Us who remember the Brady Bunch seem to be dying off and is not quite part of the popular lexicon as the word Groovy (it does kind of give an Austin Powers vibe with the flowers on the buildings. ) Lower to the left and behind the tower may save on battery or that the d in the name might be getting to the edge range of the radio for the drones? Not sure if they are controlled by radio to keep in time with the music or if they are internally programmed individually. Does anyone have any ideas? Best place to see the show is the front gate. The lights on the buildings, laser and lights on the tower and the lights and water in the fountain along with the fire really make it a perfect viewing spot. I always stand to see the fountain lights better rather than sitting, just make sure you're not standing too close to the fountain to give people a chance to sit if they want.
  6. You do realize that the performers in the parade are in the Club show right? They need time to change and need a break after 45+ minutes walking/performing (especially in the heat as it has been). Plus if someone is watching shows continuously they aren't spending money in the park on food/drinks/games/merch/etc. After all they have added a 5th stop (at the front gate). As far as the concept art, it's exactly that. CONCEPT ART. No there is no basketball hoop man (like there is at CP 150th) and no spaghetti bowl (maybe couldn't get the license from Skyline or to have them pay for the costume in time?). Probably was a matter of employees and who could/would commit to a DAILY parade at 6:00 considering every other show has 1 day a week they are off. KI is doing a great job and I wish more people would be appreciative of what they have rather than what they could have. All in all I never expected this level this year. It reminds me of Winterfest. When they brought it back it exceeded my expectations and has stayed at the same high level since it came back. Carnivale, same thing. That's what gives me confidence that the summer entertainment is here to stay. It's much cheaper than a new ride and can be refreshed every couple of years (please keep Phantom around for 2 seasons :)).
  7. Busker jam was original and entertaining. There's a reason Stomp still runs on broadway. My point is back to the Paramount days of very little in the way of entertainment/shows. It seems like Cedar Fair as a hole has been upping entertainment at all it's properties. The Red Garter Halloween Rock show has consistently been one of my favorite shows for the past 10+ years. I don't see the quality going anywhere anytime soon. They have hit their stride and will continue for years to come.
  8. Just cought the last half of the preview show. It was absolutely fantastic! Can't wait to see the full show tomorrow. Nice mix of story and tricks. Must have had 25 or so people involved. KI has definetly upped the show game this year!!!!!! Thought I would add a bit more now that I'm home on my keyboard Like I said I got there about halfway through the show and they had the dancers, drummers, BMX, Roller Baldes, Scooters, Trampolines and a slackliner all at the same time, Too much to take in completely in one sitting but very impressive. I would guess it would be one to re-watch over and over considering it looks like the slackliner was pretty much vamping as well as the other artists. The show also had 2 hosts/singers (one boy, one girl) and a child was the star of the show who was very talented and I can't wait to see him get more comfortable in his role. Very upbeat music, nice story, plenty of action. Can't wait to see the full show tomorrow. If I had to guess the showtimes I would say 1, 2, 3, 4:30 and 5:30. If they do 5 shows a day. Again, that is a guess, we will find out tomorrow! Great Job to the cast and crew shows are back and better than ever at KI this year. Here's to hoping they keep the bar high now that they've raised it!
  9. How close were you sitting? I've found that the closer you sit to the center of the theatre the better. Also I would expect it has alot to do with who is running the soundboard.
  10. To be clear, this year bring a friend free is available Mon - Thur so that won't be a factor. I feel that doing the bring a friend is much better when it is spread out like it is. Helps the park attendance on slow weekdays. Looks like partly cloudy and 80. I would think it will be crowded but only after 1. I usually get to the park early on Sundays and can get about 3-4 major coasters in by 1. 10-Noon will be your best short line times. I would suggest Orion and Flight of Fear, then Backlot Stunt Coaster, Beast, Mystic and Diamondback in that order. Beast, Diamondback and Orion are definitely people movers so don't be deterred later in the day of what lines look like. Have a great day and happy fathers day in advance!
  11. I saw rehearsals for the OffTheRails show. It was the performers, not the riders. 8 female dancers and 8 drummers. What I saw looked really great and it looks like it will be a show featuring BMX/Trampoline segments as opposed to just a BMP/Trampoline exposition. Can't wait to see it.
  12. It may be just me but the one the grandkids and I were on looked like it had new guns. They also seemed to work better. We had no sound effects, maybe it was the new guns? Guess you can always make a "pew pew" noise when you shoot. It would be great if everyone started doing that, it would be our custom sound effect for the ride
  13. I noticed the same thing. The grandkids noticed it too. Also about 3 drones had their lights out. Only really noticeable on the red flag in the 2nd Kings Island. I'm sure there are kinks to work out. I was very impressed with the first night and how flawless it was. They're doing a great job.
  14. I did. Actually the have one on each side of the theatre. You can read my review above.
  15. This will be one of the longest posts I have put on the site. What follows is my review of the show. Please bear with me.... spoilers ahead. I know a bit about theatre. Took Tap and Jazz for 15 years, did Blue Jacket the outdoor drama for 2 and started the Huber Heights Community Theatre 2 years after graduating from high school. My favorite show of all time at KI is and always will be Celebration (82-82). You can find the Carowinds iteration on youtube (83-84), I wish I could find a good copy of it from KI as the show was simply fantastic. It was a broadway style short production that made true use of the Theatre with lights, sets, fog, spotlights, etc. and one of my favorite parts was "the line" a tap number in the middle of the production. The production was so popular that they released a vinyl LP of the show of which I have one, signed by the cast (shout out to Sarah, Julie, Jane and Harry :)). After that they did Gotta Dance (83-84) and Fascinating Rhythm both of which had Alton Fitzgerald White (one of this years KI HOF inductees) in a lead role. It was nice to meet him on April 29th. All three of these shows were top-notch productions. The all had a very broadway feel to them and showed of some of the best performers ever to have graced any stage at the park. They all had immense followings and lines would form 45 minutes before performances. There were a lot of groupies who would see the show several times in a day. Those years were really something special to those who got to experience them when Taft controlled the productions. (Some of the performers would perform in the off-season on cruise ships). Where as the shows after and before these 3 were good I felt they never really had that "big show" feel to them and I have been waiting to see a show that could match the excitement, excellence, variety, execution and polish of those 3 legends of the past. My wait is now over. My suggestion to not miss this show. It has something for all ages and is well worth your time. (spoilers to follow) Phantom Theatre Encore is a return to those times of the past and is simply magnificent. I left with happy tears in my eyes seeing a well-thought out, well-executed production. The story is well thought out and very clever. Those who remember the phantom theatre are in for a real treat seeing our favorite characters come to life in a way I never thought I would see. The costumes and make up are very well done. The Usher is performed very well and the interaction with the audience before the show will make you want to be there as soon as the doors open 15 minutes before the performance. All of the performers really put an effort into their characters and it shows. Seeing the phantom come to life is just incredible. Whomever wrote this production studied the ride and took great care to put in a lot of nods to those of us fortunate enough to ride it (both visually and in the dialogue). The two acrobats re-creating the handyman hanging upside down on the rope from the ride was a great touch. There are props from the ride in the show that brought back so many memories and add to making me want to re-watch the show over and over to catch new visual and verbal nods to the ride. The music and songs are some of the best I've heard and are well performed. With the return of vinyl in recent years I would love to see them do a vinyl release of the show. The music and performances are worthy of it and think it would be well received and a fantastic souvenir (of course, they should include a digital download considering how scarce record players are nowadays). My favorite part without a doubt is the tap number. Yes, after over 30 years tap has returned! When I saw them come out I teared up knowing I was in for a treat and I was not disappointed. The black light effect was simply fantastic surprise and you audibly heard a response in the audience when it happened. (The one thing I wonder is if they could mic the floor. Just turn them on for this section to bring out the tap sounds a bit clearer.) Live tap dancing is a really unique thing to see and hear especially in this day and age. Kudos to bringing this art back from past and to the performers who executed it so well! I do agree with what other have said and would love to hear a "you'll be baaaaccckkkk" at the black out after the main show before the encore. Maybe they can add that, it would be a great thowback. Once the show was over I joined most of the audience in a standing ovation. Last show of the first full day of shows, standing ovation! The polish that was already on the production shows the hours of rehearsals and love and commitment the performers have put in to the show. I personally gave a standing ovation to them but also to the production team of the show and to KI for allowing this show during the most magical season I have ever had at KI (and it has only begun)!
  16. Bring back Der Spinnen Keggers. Loved that one.
  17. Actually Skillet isn't the church draw you may think it is. We would get tickets to spirt song just for Skillet. We usually have people who leave before they come on stage and offer us their tickets up front. Seems as though having a song called "back from the dead" with zombies in the video turns off some christians. Also one time at a festival Cooper said something to the effect of "Thanks for coming out whether your christian, jewish, atheist, whatever. Thanks for supporting our music." I believe that was at the Alive festival.
  18. Except for the 4 in kiddie land as I mentioned before.
  19. Love the new tower gardens. The towers for the coasters is a great idea. Also the 15 blank slates will hopefully allow them to continue the story for years to come. The only coasters that don't have towers are the ones in kiddy land (4 total). Maybe for next year they could hold a contest and have children enter designs for shorter "towers" and have them in place for next season.
  20. That would make sense. Either way they are spectacular and I can imagine them using them in future years or when they go back to a general nightly show. I imagine they are pretty cost effective and the effects are incredible.
  21. Saw the show tonight and it was AMAZING. I did notice that the last two sections did not incorporate the drones. Was that by design or have they not finished the drone programing? Just wondering. The rollercoaster effect with them was incredible and when they imitated fireworks was amazing as well. Definitely a crowd pleaser! Can't wait to see it again. One thing about Club KI. They had a "dance off" with 3 contestants of which looked to be between 7 and 12. The "prize" was a Fast Lane pass? Kind of hooks mom or dad into buying one for themselves doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a very generous gift but for the ages they will have participating, it seems like a tshirt and button would have been plenty. Unless of course I'm proven wrong and we see some 20 - 30 year olds up there tomorrow night
  22. I think I remember seeing you, but I was 3.
  23. Subscribed on You Tube and looking forward to it!
  24. Welcome back and glad you got a good trip in! Actually the cashless cards ARE good outside the park (walmart, mcdonalds, etc.). Another reason for cashless is that it makes it harder for someone to "pocket" money as well as removes the ability for people to be held up. Not saying either happens regularly, just another (albeit small) upside.
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