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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Stay away from WDW during the holiday season. It gets packed! The summer is usually okay, but it can still get crowded. The best times to go would probebly be in the fall or in January or Febuary.
  2. Gilroy Gardens and Star Trek: The Experience
  3. Well, there are the indoor waterparks (Castaway Bay, Rain, GWL and Kalahari). For dining, there are loads of places along 250.
  4. I just got back around an hour ago. The park was great! The longest lines that I waited in were only about a half hour. And it took less then five minutes for me to get my Maxx pass!
  5. I have the same problem as you hausty1983. Only sometimes, my park won't even load . It just stops at the 80 precent margin and closes.
  6. The new coaster is rumored to go by the name "Maverick." It's being built on the site of the old White Water Landing in the Frontier Town area of the park .
  7. Well, you see the people I went with were not the bravest coaster riders (which is why we rode Avatar and AE). At least they agreed to ride Top Gun and IJST. I myself rode Racer after we seperated.
  8. Well, just so you know, this is my just my second post, so bear with me here! I arrived at about 1:16 with my school band. My friends and I rode AE and waited about ten mintues for it. We rode Scrambler and then ate lunch at Wings Diner, where I had some rotesserie chicken and their potato wedges. We went on White Water Canyon, then rode IJST, where we waited for nearly two hours as it experinced some temporary problems. We took a spin on Zephyer, rode Avatar and then went up in the Eiffel Tower, and then we took a ride on Top Gun. We ate dinner at Happy Days Diner, which was okay, but not nearly as good as lunch, and the service was slow. After seperating from my group, I rode the bumper cars and Racer, and then browsed through the shops on International Street, met up with my friends again, and left for the buses back home. Overall, it was a good visit, but the lines were long and crowds were huge!
  9. OHpki


    kjkjkj, was your band at the Musical Carousel festival in Wilmington? I was also in the park that day, travelling with my school band after playing at that competition.
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