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KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Here's a link that tells the songs on the Forrest Gump soundtrack. I've got it and it's good. http://www.stlyrics.com/f/forrestgump.htm
  2. Ice

    Weight issues?

    On Jan 3, 2002 I weighed 236 lbs... May 3, 2002 I weighed 168 lbs... Dont eat after 6pm... think of food as fuel, and you dont need much fuel to sleep... think of what you have as just excess storage fuel... surplus... now that surplus needs a little fresh fuel (food=energy) to get you started, but then quickly you begin burning up excess storage. I started running early Jan and couldnt even make it one time up the basketball court without stopping and near passing out... Just fight for more each day... Dont be discouraged by others because your goals are different and you know that some day you will be able to do the same things as everyone else... My doctor told me Jan 3, 2002 that if I do everything they say, within 6 months I will be able to run as far as and as long as everyone else... So set long-term goal, then a daily plan... I weighed myself every morning... On August 24, 2006 I weigh 182 lbs... but I also had another serious health problem that limited my physical activity that saw my weight balloon back to 194 lbs earlier this summer... It's not healthy to lose as much weight quickly like I did back in 2002, but I know what it takes now that I've done it and am slowing losing it and will get back to my comfortable weight of 170-175 lbs where I spent pretty much all of May 2002 thru May 2005 before I had my other serious health problem limiting physical activity. ... I ate Blimpie's subs a lot... stay away from mayonnaise. I ate a lot of canned tuna... lipton iced tea sweatened no lemon instead of carbonated beverages... I went on all the fast food web sites and got nutrional info and payed particular attention to fat grams. I'd add it up and only go over 64 fat grams once every several days... limited cholesterol but wasn't as much of a focus as the fat. You NEED carbohydrates (not sugars as much) and protein. I dont understand why some people cut them out... They are energy. Fat is stored energy. Cut out the fat! ... I also ate a lot of carrots, strawberries, oranges, apples and fat-free fig newtons (not more than 4 a day). Bananas but not daily. I also took Maleluca vitamins every day while losing the weight. It may have been psychological help, but I felt like I had more energy and my knees didnt hurt at all! Once I lost the weight, I started eating more fatty food because we do need some, but I still watched my weight pretty much EVERY day from May 2002-May 2005 simply because this weight problem is an every day battle for the rest of my life. I could be a professional eater, I could eat everything you put in front of me... I once had three McDonald's triple cheeseburgers and three large fries... then a few hours later 5 chili cheese dogs from Nick's Chili Parlor (Indy) and then later in day had two complete meals from Gray Bros cafeteria... That was NOT uncommon for me! My blood pressure dropped from like 195/111... to 111/78 during those 4 months.
  3. That is a good idea. It would also be cool if you boarded at the top and under you was a floor and then all of a sudden the floor drops out from in under you and you free fall to the ground and get unloded at the bottom of the tower. My heart started racing just reading about that... I dont think I'd ever ride a ride like that! But I know it would be a smash hit of a ride!
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