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Everything posted by PKD_Freak

  1. im sure... top gun: supersonic will come to pkd in 2006 because pkd hasin't had a major coaster in 5 years! + on anmpkd rumors said that a tomb raider: firefall outdoor topspin comes to pkd in 2005 and it was right! It also said that in 2006 pkd will get a speacial coaster and its in the desing stage. +... it was posted by annomonuss! Im sure pkd WILL get Top Gun: Supersonic because pkd it the only paramount part without the TOPGUN theme. Im sure pki will get ZTop Gun: Supersonic for 2007 instaed of 2006. Till then i can't wait and hoping for top gun supersonic!
  2. i just hope pkd did not sign a contract for huss too(maybe?) if they signed for 2 or 3 years we don't get a coaster next year . It is most likely pkd is getting 1 next year because most of the paramount park waited 5 years to get a new major coaster ricochet is NOT major in 2001 hyperssonic came and its a major coaster now count up to 5 years and there you have it 2006. on www.anmpkd.com rumors this guy was right and he knew before everyone. he said "in 2005 an outdoor version of tombraider: the ride is coming, In 2006 pkd is going to get a rollercoaster and its suppose to be specail. if pkd signed a contract for huss. ouououououououououououou .
  3. im sure pkd's shockwave will be ripped out soon but it is an ok ride and a lil confortable durning the lift lol . shockwave's layout is very crummy and one of the boaringest coasters i've been on. why would pki get a new stand-up. they kinda suck
  4. some people are hatten and i go to pkd all the time because in livin right her in virginia 20mins away from it. If you don't even know whats coming with the ride ill tell you. ours will be very highly themed and we will have you raceing to the ground looking at a pit off fire and flames shoting from the ground. we also have the water effect where you get soaked on every seat. although ours is out door you will not be looking at roller coasters and stuff while on the ride out doors because was also have smoke and steam around us while on the ride so you will feel more in a tomb raider enviornment. althogh ours hold 38 it will still be good. it will not be a short ride because i heard that ours will be over 2minutes. just to mention ours will flip 5 times (like yours do) and will be a floorless top spin sitting back to back and theres noting in front of you but your legs and noting above you but the sky. ours is only 10ft shorter than tomb raider the ride at pki. yours 70ft high ours 60. think of a 2 story home and take off the top. that is only how short ours is from yours. Please don't hate
  5. pkd is opening March 19 2005. yes the ride will be finished or maybe... when the park opens because the construction is maybe almost complete from seeing the pictures they posted on thier site. TRTR @ pkd will feature some real water for shoting to the guest on the ride like riptide at KBF. real fire eroupting from a pit in the ground some fog to sourround the ride so you will be able to feel that no ones around you so you feel like your one of the tomb raiders. well i have heard pkd will be getting a druming or thundering tribal soundtrack to go with the ride. im not sure if it is true but pkd is getting a floorless which is new. I would like to try out pki's for myself . The name was gonna be Tomb Raider: Tower of Flames but it changed for a different reason. weeeeee in 2005! TOMB RAIDER: THE RIDE OPENING SPRING 2005!
  6. pki is getting a new ride program for tombraider?! Hope you guys have fun with it this year. well i think everyone knows that another tombraider the ride is going into paramount which is Kings Dominion. i think pki's old ride program will go into pkds version because i heard it does 5 flips too. is pki's 2004 ride program good or no good? o yeah!, PKD will be opening 12 days before PKI lol. HAVE A GOOD TIME ON TRTR NEW PROGRAMING!
  7. an asian man was killed on the ride during the loop in 99. I belive he was crushed after falling of the loop and the train ran over him.he fell of with playing with his restraint and he suddenly fell out. pkd - a must go park, absolutly wonderful! great ride, great drop zone of more speed! hypersonic! For people who has not yet experience the hypersonic, the launch is very intense!!!!!!!!!!. have you been on drop zone? the launch of hypersonic is more intense than drop zones drop!!!!!!!! volcano's laucnh are very forceful! EXPERIENCE THE PKD!
  8. O well, I have to say pkd because if you havent heard, we are launch coaster capital of the world! I have to say Volcano, The Blast Coaster beats up all of PKI's ride, well scince this is a PKI fourm stick with the pki.
  9. HyperSonic XLC: ding, ding, ding, ding, face forward, keep your head back against the head rest, do not raise your hand, prepaire to launh, (air filling tank ready to launch, chccccccc, vrooooooommmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. on a coastershow yesterday. I heard pkd may get a giga for 2005! it will go behind Rebel Yell if the rumor is true. for the 30th anaversery i heard its gonna be BIG! Giga coasters are 300ft and over! thats high as drop zone and Eiffel Tower! I hope we get a giga cause 05 will be a BIG attraction. i belive we are getting a giga 75%. if we get a giga i know it will have an elevator lift which pulls you up the hill fast then you zoom down to about 83 mph! keep in mind for kings dominion 05 is a BIG attraction! plus 05 is a coaster reciving year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. huh i was saying Kings Dominion Rules in my head! I was not saying pki sux. Lol :stupid:
  14. Thats true rebel yell does need track replacing and very need of paint. if they painted all the coasters in 2005 that would be great too along with the new ride which is soppose to be a coaster!
  15. I don't go to Kings Island but i belive the stories. The guy falling from the elevator from 1 member really creaped me out becasue what if i see that happening at Kings Dominion. 1 time it was 10:47 at night and i went for Grizzly no1 was in line when i got to the station. I rode anyways all alone in the back seat. when i got in the tunnels i heard the train sqeling and all like screams but when i got close to the end i heard a moan that sounded like a ghost and then i screamed back and the ride was over. i ran down the exit and will never ride Grizzly at night again. all of the was true
  16. what shape is The Racer in? PKD's rebel yells in really bad shape.
  17. PKD_Freak

    Pkd Vs. Pki

    So which do you think is better? PKD or PKI? I Say PKD
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