Did you notice today, I went by Kings Island today and i could swear that I saw the top of the loop(which was completed) with the arc right by it! Did you see it and can someone get an update about it. All this talk makes me exsited about Firehawk!
By the way.. When are we going to get a video on Firehawk?
I hope it goes into were the old hellicopter ride use to be and then put a big Firehawk sigh on it. The reason I suggest that is because it will have the same theme as FOF.
no offence or anything, but that was kind of corny? Well any way I like the idea you had, just not right wording? But I Would lol if they had something simalar to that?
Cool T-shirt! Where did you get it? Wal-Mart (in the Dairy Isle)? ha!