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Everything posted by Mat
wow first off txting and mp3 players will get you fired no questions asked. i agree completly with you on that. thats unacceptable. and the ranking goes like this: associates: blue shirts blue/white name tags. (minors/majors) assistant supervisors: blue shirt name tags says assistant sup. supervisors: blue shirt name tag says supervisor. area sups: blue suits and above them are the guys in actual suits i havent had any problems from sups being "too nice" and not doing their job though.
Yeah actualy i am quiting. not to start a rant about this but i just feel like people have noo idea what kinda crap we have to put up with. only ki workers really know what its like. and the nick universe ones REALLY know what im talking about. and i do try to take what i do seriously but after a while i get soo tired of taking crap from guests over things i have no control over whatsoever. and also i dont mean any bad PR by all this but you have to see this from a ki workers perpective. seriosuly next time your at ki go up to a blue shirt and just say "thanks for all you do." they will pryjust stand there with a blank stare on their face and go into shock.. and thanks to all the guests that can take a "im sorry your kid isnt tall enough to ride" without blowing up and causing a scene.. your appreciated more than youll ever know..
haha i hate to bring it up but it kills me to hear someone say that. i work 2 jobs and im not usualy in the best mood by the time i even get to ki, and then before i know whats happening ive got people yelling at me for stuff i have no control over whatsoever. i mean honeslty can we give the employees a break were not there to ruin your day honestly haha.
i work in rides at KI. let me try to explain. see.. its not that we dont like what we do, but we have to do it 6 days a week and on these shifts: open or close - 7 hours, swing - 8 hours, Double - 14 hours... see what im getting at? most people dont work more than 7 hours in one day and thats just a half a day for us! now thats just the shifts, now let me just paint a little picture for you.. : ok you just rotated to a ride where you've been told to check bars. you get there and immediatly you have to height check a child. turns out of course, that they're not tall enough.. (and of course this is your fault) the now enraged parent comes up to you, cusses you out, telling you "they've ridden this five times today!" (a lie you cant prove wrong obviously) so you take the crap from them and escort them off. you do this consistantly for 14 hours on a double and then you leave at night thinking why the heck do i do what i do? It kills me to hear people say "why cant the employees act like they love their jobs?" well guys, its a two way streak. mabey if we didnt have to take so much crap from guests we would be alittle more enthousiastic.. im not pointing fingers and im not saying this is every guest but the occasional one stands out.. a few things you should know that every employee wants to say but cant: 1. we do NOT make the rules! were just trying to keep our jobs so pleasee stop screaming at us. 2. the whole reason for enforcing height requirments is to keep YOU SAFE! so stop screaming at us if we tell you you or your kid cant ride something. 3 and we send thousands of people per hour on a coaster.. yes we DO miss height checks everynow and then. were only human! if we tell you that you cant ride after youve already been on it consider yourselfs LUCKY instead of cussing us out and telling us "this is rediculus" and marching away after making a big scene. you know whats rediculus? the crap that we have to put up with! ughh so the next time you see a blue shirt, go up to them and tell them "hey! thanks for keeping us safe!" honestly it will make their day.
I'm an employee and this is one of my many rides. I agree with you, i hate the elephant when i ride it as a guest, but i must say.. on a 13 hour shift, it is fun to watch people get soaked when they come around that last bend...
i know you can get the small preview online. i just dont have the website..
"MY CHILD ISNT TALL ENOUGH?? THEY RODE THIS FIVE TIMES TODAY!!!" ... sir its 1030.. we just opened.. xD frickin idiots.. if your gonna lie, at LEAST come up with something decent..
Anyone know where I can go to get my picture they took in the park? I have the pic info but I lost the pink slip with the website address on it. I think it was kamans photo or something? Google hasnt helped me.. anyone know it?
been there.. did that.. the whole way to the tower.. 4 hours..
yes 100%! i cant stand how on white water canyon you get DRENCHED! i mean come on, ive usualy got a phone, car keys, and other electronics with me, i dont need to get soaked! just cool me off a little would ya? i miss the old flume before it turned into the wild thornberrys. it was just a nice relaxing water ride, and now its got a kiddy theme and that = long lines all the time.
on behalf of all us employees who spent 6 hours in the cold and rain getting recurrency training done this weekend, next weeks weather looks MUCH better! and we've got the park pretty much set to go. almost everythings ready. few minor things to work out, but plan on being there next saturday ready to get your spring coaster fix! (I know i will!!)
If Toddler Chef ever rides the Fairly Odd Coaster, be sure to say hi to me. (I drive it) xD
The paycheck! Fearfest w/ friends. The Beast at night. Driving a roller coaster 6 days a week! Oh yeah, this seasons gonna be awesome!