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Everything posted by miamidolphins

  1. I would love for them to bring this back, but it doesnt seem realistic in the near future, because all Kings Island has been doing in the last couple years has been taking away perks, I would be very surprised if they decided to add a perk as big as this back. But i can dream
  2. Yeah this type of thing came up a lot when the Firehawk commercials came on with people on it, when actually they just used the green screen technique on video footage of X-flight. Beast1979 is probably right that it is probably a different coaster.
  3. The only part of that logo a actually liked was the Kings Island at the bottom. Other then that it wasnt anything special, it seemed kind of typical and bland, like it didnt take but thought. But I guess it could be worse.
  4. O wow i didn't realize that. Do you hate birds or do you just REALLY like froot loops
  5. If anyone calls Top Gun "Flight Deck" when they're walking in the park with me, i will be tempted to put them in the nearest trash can. Are they still called trash cans?
  6. http://www.themeparkinsider.com/reviews/ki...land/accidents/ took me about 3 seconds to find.
  7. Son of Beast, front row. That's where it's at Then i will probably head over to Firehawk or FoF, whicheevr has the shortest line. I might have to hit up what was previously known as Face/Off before FoF or Firehawk if theres a short line, which there won't be.
  8. Once they made the switch they raced backwards verse fowrwards, and then they stopped caring. I feel like they will stop caring after a year or two and in a couple of years it will be the same thing as it is now without the option of going backwards. I do however think that for atleast this year the racing will spark a new intrest in the ride even though many people are resisting the change.
  9. So wait, has it been announced what flats (if any) we're getting from Geauga Lake? Cuz they had like 2 or 3 top spin things, and if Crypt was to be removed it would be replaced by one of theirs, but that just seems stupid. Idk, either way i was never really fond of what was "formally" known as TR:TR because it only flipped like once and it left most males with a feeling that they would never have children.
  10. So is scooby doo owned by nick? Kings Island needs to do whatever they need to do to keep scooby
  11. Flight Deck??? Are you kidding me?!?!?! Flight deck has to be the least creative name I've heard for a ride since... uh... you get the point. And Invertigo is a typical generic insignificant name that obviously didn't take much effort to think of. I am indifferent between drop zone and Drop Tower
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