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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Yes, You can can ride. I'm 6' and around 250 and I fit in fine. Firehawk is a great ride.
  2. Hope this posted anywhere else, but I have a friend who will be going to KI and wanted to know about the Firehawk seats. He's of bigger size and wasn't sure about fitting. Do they have test fit seats ? What kind of restraint system are on the seats ? Thanks. Unrelated, has anybody seen the Nick TV slime across america segments this week, the hosts are here at KI. I saw them ride The Beast and the Firehawk. It looks like they played their slime game right on Internation Street. Kind cool to see KI on TV.
  3. I also noticed that the park on average wasn't as full as has been in past years, who would have thought that. Back in April, I was sure KI would have super crowds, I mean new ownership and Firehawk. I wonder why attendance is down ? ?
  4. I always like to thing of tolls as the first one past Great Wolf on Kings Island drive is the NORTH and the SOUTH is the next one, just past the marquee sign. The question I have is how are all the people going to be able get in, pick up the laynards and make it to the FoF from the time to the toll opens until the start of the tour. It seems like the toll should opened even earlier.
  5. While I'm sure we will get more info. It be great to find out about getting tickets for non central users, like family members soon . I would love to take my daughter to this great event. We always enjoy talking about KI history and the rides.
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