I have an altogether different question about the Haunt this year. Why was it deemed a good idea to play soft rock audio against a horror movie video on the queue TVs? I'm looking directly at you, Beast queue on the 6th.
Action Zone had kind of a hard rock thing going on when we'd pass through that area, but I'm okay with that. It at least works well with the visuals of the night. Flight of Fear had horror movies on the outside screens with no sound, and I can deal with that too. But to have the soundtrack from The Wedding Singer playing against Night of the Living Dead... that's really doing more harm than good for your theme, I'd think.
On an unrelated matter, the park is entirely too busy on Saturday's during the Haunt to be enjoyable (at least for Ann and I.) Maybe it's all the unsupervised kids running and flailing and generally being obnoxious, maybe I'm just getting old, but the crowds just weren't doing it for me. I've heard it's better on Fridays, but our fall is pretty packed this year, and Saturday was the only spare day we could find.
Oh! One last thing, props to everyone responsible for Club Blood being added to the lineup. That was probably the neatest haunt I've been to in years, barring only the old House of Horrors up by Mount Vernon.