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Everything posted by dakota2112

  1. I wonder how much work it would actually take to get the Eagle back in working condition. It sat for what, 5 years, with presumably no maintenance. Some of the wood looks like it's seen better days. I do recall the Eagle had some pretty wicked airtime, and I think it would be a good fit for the Coney Mall area. It would fit a lot better than Flight of Fear and Firehawk anyways! (or maybe Rivertown... heck, the thing is practically on the shore of that 'other' miami river currently )
  2. No complaints here! Although when you think about it, it would make sense from a business perspective to charge admission for HH. The park has to stay open very late, and aren't most/all of the shops and eateries closed during those late hours? So if people get in for free on their passes, and aren't spending any money, then HH might not be very profitable. This is just speculation of course; I might have no idea what I'm talking about
  3. They (KI) told me the same thing when I got my 2008 pass last year. But according to the KI website, Gold Pass gets you in for HH: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/events.cfm?ec_id=27
  4. Good call on Red Barchetta! If we're using a Rush tune for Adventure Express, I think "Leave That Thing Alone" would fit better with its mysterious vibe. Or maybe Passage to Bangkok. Or Temples of Syrinx! And for Face Off... Double Agent would be absolutely perfect.
  5. You may be thinking a portion of Celebration? Where the dancers wore giant bat wings and swung across the stage? Hmmm. Maybe. I can't remember that level of detail unfortunately.
  6. Did that involve "ghost" actor(s) flying around suspended on cables? I was thinking this was earlier than 1997 but maybe that was it.
  7. Question - did there used to be a show at the Paramount Theater (that's the theater between the main entrance and the Amazon Falls area, correct?) in the 80s or 90s where the theme was a haunting of some sort? I vaguely remember seeing a show with some pretty good production to it along those lines. Does anyone else remember that?
  8. dakota2112

    eek! Top gun!

    Yes but Top Gun's chain dang near comes to a stop whereas most of the other coasters' chains slow very little, if at all. (not that it really matters anyways; this was just an observation since people were talking about Top Gun's quirky chain lift)
  9. This is the website I was talking about: http://www.pki.com/attractions/detail.cfm?ai_id=163 They don't say anything about the backwards Racer, and I think (but am not certain) that this page did mention it at some point in the past. And even though the URL is 'pki', it still seems to be the official site, as it's been updated for 2008... so maybe the lack of the word 'backwards' on The Racer page is a 2008 update.
  10. Does anyone know offhand if the official Kings Island website used to mention the 'backwards' characteristic in their description of Racer? Because they don't mention it now. That might be another indicator of no more backwards.
  11. dakota2112

    eek! Top gun!

    Isn't there something different about Top Gun's chain in that it only spools up when it's lifting a train? On most coasters, the chain is always running. But if I remember right, Top Gun's chain only spools up when it's actually lifting a train, and then it either stops or drastically slows down.
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