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Everything posted by noraleesmom

  1. Is there a separate entrance to water park or do you have to ride the train? Are you allowed to walk through the park, ride the train, in your suit?
  2. Question about the water park. Figured I would come to the experts. I'm hearing small locker is 17 bucks, and seeing as how my family is a group of 6, I would be costly. Does anyone have cheaper alternatives?
  3. Awwwww! Shes so adorable! I had a feeling it was a girl when I first saw it so glad to see I was right! HAHA Your daughter is awesome!
  4. My longest wait was first time riding Firehawk last year. I was with my husband and his cousing and his girlfriend and we waited a little over 2 hours. It sure didnt seem like it cause we talked the whole time but that is definitely the longest. Second would be earlier this year .. waited almost an hour and a half to ride the Son of Beast... worth it!
  5. I dont think Im nervous at all actually! I just cant wait to ride it! My friend and I have discussed this at length and we plan on rocking out to the Black Crowe's Hard to Handle up until actual liftoff LOL!
  6. I actually can't think of any dance club I've been in that my shirt has been on for longer than 10 minutes.
  7. Well, I'd say that it appears most in Club Blood were overdressed for regular club wear. And You'd Be Right
  8. I thought Club Blood was great. KI Beast is right, thats how people dress in clubs these days, and I thought it added a sexiness factor into the thrill of it. Walking through with music and lights going being stared at by half naked men and women is sure to get your blood pumping. Oh, BTW, the babies in club blood completely freaked me out
  9. This actually doesnt seem like too bad of a deal to me. We have a souvenir cup that we share when we go but on days when we go with our friends and dont see eachother the entire day, the wrist band may be a good idea. And my husband drinks alot of pop through the day usually so it would actually end up saving us money. Thanks for informing! I had no idea!
  10. My First Ride Ever was The Scrambler Cause thats all my mom would ride in the park LOL Now I usually Head for Firehawk First to get it out of the way or Delirium!
  11. i love them all!! I would say a good first would be The Beast! I love that ride and it will definitely get you ready for the others!
  12. I think ive seen this one.. Where at the end it says "Where else, ride warriors? Where else?" I thought it was pretty good!
  13. I usually chat with the people Im with, and then when theres nothing else to talk about, Ill catch someones eye and have staring contests with them. Its probably creepy at first but they catch on and usually play along. I once had a young kid challenge me to a rematch when we finally made it on to the Son of Beast
  14. Ive said that before , when The Son of Beast incident happened I was there, and said I wouldnt ride it again because so many people were hurt... Waited an hour the first day it opened back up to ride I guess it scares people when something goes wrong on a ride. I know it would have scared me. I always get a little queasy on Flight Deck anyway because of the noises it makes on the hill LOL!! If it helps, those noises actually mean you're safer. I never really thought of it like that. I only hear it every now and then, which probably depends on where Im seated, but they always make me a little unsure. But Thanks!! You make a good point.
  15. Ive said that before , when The Son of Beast incident happened I was there, and said I wouldnt ride it again because so many people were hurt... Waited an hour the first day it opened back up to ride I guess it scares people when something goes wrong on a ride. I know it would have scared me. I always get a little queasy on Flight Deck anyway because of the noises it makes on the hill LOL!!
  16. The game workers have been Great!! They are much more into their job it seems. LoL I was walking by the peach basket thing and the girl working there would call out people as they went by and she actually lured me into conversation and I ended up playing.. I lost... But she got me to play a game. LOL!! And they are always getting my husband at the Break A Plate Game. And He plays everytime we go because hes on a winning Streak. They are much more upbeat and are very nice as well! I hope they Keep up the good work!
  17. Well, at least you have the kind of relationship where you can talk about it and it not be a big deal!
  18. I thought the whole thing was Awesome. Id never seen anything like it and I enjoyed the H3ll Out of myself. My favorite thing besides the jump was the 70s area. We sat there for close to an hour and it was great getting pulled into the Hustle and having to learn how to do it from Astro!
  19. Bet your husband was happy! He was!! I told him I was just getting a picture of the three of them and then whispered to them that I wanted to get a picture of all of them and the Red head was like "Well come on over here" and he was kind of embarrased. I was like "you know they're hot"
  20. My post about Lazy River apparently got deleted ..but lets just say they were doing more than making out on the tube..and in front of my 10 yr old no less..they got called on it and the girl got embarrassed.. I got your Pm about the lazy river incident.. But Couldnt reply because it said something about PMs being disabled. Just wanted to let you know I got it!
  21. Exactly. They all seemed very friendly to me. Tons of guys were out there taking pics and they were happy to pose for them.
  22. I think he was talking about Miss Gibson. She'll be in Flashback: Totally 80s! this year. Awesome! Thanks. Cant wait to see her! Ive never been to Vegas but Thanks for posting!! Thanks for posting that picture Noraleesmom, she's smoking hot! I can't wait to watch her in Totally 80's!!! Shes very beautifuL!! I cant wait to see her either!! I Got a picture of all three of the "Kneival Crew" With my husband and they were all very nice about it! I just chopped the picture so everyone could see her well!
  23. There was a young girl in line in front of me for Delirium last year whos thong was showing.. on purpose. I pulled her sweat pants up over it and she turned around laughed and told me I wasnt her mother! I laughed and said "Ooooh, and youre lucky Im not." My post about Lazy River apparently got deleted ..but lets just say they were doing more than making out on the tube..and in front of my 10 yr old no less..they got called on it and the girl got embarrassed.. I would have been embarrased for her!! I love my husband but there is no need to be all over eachother. When Im at Kings Island, im there to Ride Rides, You have plenty of time at home for affection. LoL I just figure that they're poor kids that can't afford to buy clothes that fit. The sad thing is, these kids actually pay alot of money for pants that dont fit... Last month at KI i was walking towards Invertigo and i saw some teenager (maybe around 16?) with his pants completely down to his ankles walking around like he didnt know.... i would of said something to him, but the fact that im only 5' 2"and he was probably 6ft. something... i dont want to die. OMG I know the feeling. I want to say stuff all the time, but first you have to size the person up
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