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Everything posted by Hoeter

  1. This. We were going to eat at RHOFG after getting off Diamondback. Opening was postponed from 11:00am to 11:30am as they were severely understaffed. Several hours later, I hear hosts and hostesses are waiting tables due to the understaffing. We got to Festhaus about Noon and joined the line for Panda Express. Didn't end up eating my food until mic check for Hollywood Nights began. Later on, the group wanted RHOFG. We go back about 6:00pm. 3 hour wait to eat there at this point. No thanks. We ended up seeing if Potato Works in Rivertown had a line. They did, but all four registers were open with about 5-6 in each. We were greeted with an employee shutting down two of them and doubling the size of the line. Ended up eating at Larosas on International Street, which we waited about 15 minutes for. Funny thing is, I saw Chef Nathan over by Diamondback shortly after this and should have told him about my experience so far. Additionally, we ran into Greg Scheid after getting off Diamondback. We made him aware of the issues at tolls and he was having this looked into. I have been to Guest Relations more in the last two days than I have in the last 9 years of visiting the park.
  2. My second night ride this year. Never gets old!
  3. In line for Beast now. On ramp heading to station. All queues are full. Been in line about a half hour or so.
  4. Now I'm having the same issues with my drink plan as I'm having with my dining plan. Not to mention my pass showed "single use parking" not "season long parking" when I got to the park this morning. It's only Opening Day and I'm confident everything will work itself out.
  5. There were some issues last night with dining plans, especially on platinum passes including mine. Went to Chicken Shack about 6:30pm and the system was able to pull me up when the pass was scanned. The system displayed a message stating that the dining plan was used already that night. It was not. A couple others in my group had the same issue over at Hank's. The manager at Chicken Shack gave me the food and told me to have a good day. Went to Guest Relations on my way out of the park, the issue itself should be resolved and should be working as normal now.
  6. Anybody else notice regular parking is now $18? Preferred parking is $25. Wasn't parking $12 last year? Not that it matters or anything as I have a Platinum Pass...
  7. Tuesday through Friday appear to be good weather days for them to work on this. It's about to rain here in Eastgate. Showers in the forecast for the entire day tomorrow.
  8. Mr Gene's for the chili dog, then swing down to the next exit for Putzs Never had Mr. Gene's or Putz's. One of the best chili dogs I've ever had was from The Root Beer Stand in Sharonville.
  9. Banshee is currently testing with 2 trains. http://pixelcaster.com/live/kingsisland/Banshee.html Diamondback is still testing with just 1 train. Backlot is also testing. http://pixelcaster.com/live/kingsisland/Diamondback.html
  10. One was last year that I know of
  11. I'd imagine Intimidator's ride system is identical to the one on Diamondback, just a year newer of course. I know Diamondback and Banshee will not allow a train to be dispatched until restraints are down to the required point for a safe ride. Found this out the hard way on Banshee last year as I was sitting in 8-4. Restraint was down and the belt was fastened all the way, yet the system still showed it wasn't at the required point. I was just a hair away from it taking. It's a safe system that I'm sure all of the newer B&M's have. I have never felt unsafe at any point on any of B&M's coasters. I've experienced several rides on Diamondback where the bar was not checked. Even though B&M designs their coasters with safety systems, backup systems for those systems and failsafes, I feel much safer when a ride operator manually checks them just to be safe. Computers aren't perfect, by any means. I would have informed a member of the ride crew when you returned to the station. I had a ride on Diamondback last year where my restraint was not checked and Don was in the station when we returned. I brought it up to him as I was leaving. Safety is paramount on these rides, as it should be.
  12. Wanted to point this out real quick even though it's not affecting Kings Island directly at the moment. Be glad Dorney Park begins it's season 3 weeks from today. Parts of Northern Ohio and Pennsylvania could see up to 7'' of snow!
  13. One week from today is opening day at Kings Island. Looking outside you wouldn't know it. Got a decent dusting of snow on the front grass and on my car. Won't stick around long though as temperatures will be rising within the next few days...
  14. Steve Horstmeyer of Fox 19 in Cincinnati is predicting sunny skies for next Friday and Saturday. Highs of 61 and 66 each day, respectively. Still more than a week out. A lot can change between now and then.
  15. 9 days to Opening Day, 8 days to Preview Night! Can't wait!
  16. Care-uh-winds I believe is how it's pronounced. I pronounced it incorrectly for the longest time myself!
  17. Great job Dare-To-Fly, I highly enjoyed it! Saw a couple of familiar faces in the video! Little over a week now gang, can't wait!
  18. Never understood why there wasn't a sign along I-77 for Carowinds similar to ours. The area around that park has built up over the last few years, with the Cabela's store under construction when I was there in July 2014. April 2015, the store was open for about a month at that point. I'd hate to see what traffic looks like during a busy weekend at the park with Cabela's being there using Avenue of the Carolinas. I miss our old sign. Pretty sure Kings Dominion's sign is the original one from 1975. Ours lasted 30 years until being knocked down by straight-line winds.
  19. Father and Son could run The Walt Disney Company! Father has 40 plus years at Cedar Point! "People Gotta Eat!" because "I'm an Operations guy, not a Finance guy!" At least they could be getting Michael Eisner back...
  20. I'm thinking an LED sign that can display messages, similar to our marquee that got upgraded a few years back. Surprising that there's no LED sign on the new tolls.
  21. Per Greg Scheid's Twitter account, @KIGMGREG. Looking good! Less than two weeks now until the second most important Opening Day in Cincinnati! Has it been announced how many passholder lanes there will be and if these (I would think) would be automated?
  22. Last year...went to Carowinds the first weekend in April to ride Fury 325 and lost my pass. Got a replacement at Kings Island a couple of weeks later. Because I used it at Carowinds before KI, even though purchased from KI, it switched my home park down to Carowinds. Took a couple of minutes for them to get it straightened out. Has this happened to anyone else? See my previous post in this thread.Thank you!
  23. Kings Dominion is a good park. Have to say that Dominator, Volcano, and I-305 are my favorites there. Kinda surprising that I-305 didn't have a wait most of the day. I spent 1 1/2 days in the park over the Fourth of July weekend a few years ago. Longest wait I encountered was 30 minutes at night. The Sunday of that weekend (July 6) it was a walk on and I was able to get 6 or 7 rides in a short amount of time. Thanks for sharing!
  24. Last year...went to Carowinds the first weekend in April to ride Fury 325 and lost my pass. Got a replacement at Kings Island a couple of weeks later. Because I used it at Carowinds before KI, even though purchased from KI, it switched my home park down to Carowinds. Took a couple of minutes for them to get it straightened out. Has this happened to anyone else?
  25. Meetup thread here, gang. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/31877-season-passholder-preview-friday-april-15th-from-5-10pm/#entry718054
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