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  1. The Geneva Convention also states that an enemy fighting out of uniform can be universally dispatched (killed). Instead we let them live and give them 3 meals a day and access to the same legal system U.S. citizens enjoy, a privelage that isn't even extended to the soldiers fighting for this country. I don't see a problem.
  2. Even the longest journey starts with the first step.
  3. Ravine is a little strong its pretty much a dip. there is not a very big drop, 30-40 feet maybe. Granted, if it was straight down that may be seem significant, but it is rather gradual.
  4. It gives the same effect as the brake that stops Vortex.
  5. Wow, the rare triple post , nice work, indeed.
  6. The deal is good for 20 oz. fountain drinks only, I got 4 drinks using a bracelet recently everytime I asked and the employees said I could get a 20 oz fountain only. They use the same cups that you get when you pay full price for a 20 oz.
  7. Wasn't a "Beast" name used once (or twice if you count "beastie") at the park before SOB? Good try though.
  8. Whatever "superstar", you guys are about lame. Get that post count up!
  9. So nearly 11k posts is a representation of who you are? Someone with obviously no life (which I give you the benefit of the doubt on, because am a reasonable person) and nothing better to spend your time on than analyze someone you don't know? If you believed my first statement why would you be so selective as to not believe the truth? My wife and I got to the park after 6 P.M. that day and we went to 5 different drink stations (skyline, coney grill?, one stand down from coney grill, subway, then finally LaRosas in Rivertown) before we even located a bracelet to buy at nearly 7 P.M., and I did notice 3 different colored bracelets (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) and I thought "hey they really need to tighten this promo up", but whatever. I was merely presenting the members on this forum with a situation that could be exploited and potentially detrimental to the park we all love. If you are going to take anything on the internet for face value then I suggest you weigh it all equally because you are proving what happens when you assume. You are way off.
  10. No one is getting their passes revoked. CF can't police it and the employees don't care. As for the moderate deal it would totally eliminate misunderstandings and policing altogether. Seems like a good trade to me. On a side note, playing devil's advocate on this forum has turned out to be really fun. It exposes people for who they are and what they believe in. First with CoastersRZ about Ferris Wheel's and Coney in general, and now this time with several people about the drink wristbands. You can all relax the truth is I bought a wristband and "shared" 4 drinks with my lovely wife. I would've gotten 4 drinks if I was alone and she wouldn't buy a drink in a million years, so no harm no foul in my estimation. In fact 4 drinks in my refill cup would've only been $1 more for alot more product. I was trying this out mainly to eliminate the need to carry a cup everywhere.
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