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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. For a picture (taken on August 14, 1992) of the cars and 20th anniversary signs, see this video: The cars, the signs, and no skylab at 4:54. As mentioned above, Skylab would return after the 1992 season.
  2. Yep...it was just for 1992. The signs were completely gone the following year...never saw them anywhere else in the park after that either. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of it Previous topic on Skylab, if that helps...http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5401&view=findpost&p=86029
  3. Back in 1992, the park set up a walk-through on the site of Skylab (which had been removed). As best as I can remember, you basically took a lap around the concrete circle that the ride occupied. There were signs marking major milestones, along with pictures. It was cheap and tasteful at the same time.
  4. Great report. Invertigo rolled back between the loop and the 2nd tower around 10:15. Later in the day, it looked like they got the train back to the loading area and the ride was closed.
  5. Why "twyce" instead of "twice"? Russell Twyce was a diver who died in a scuba accident, and was revived after 8 minutes. A possible theme for a new water ride? Just a thought...drowning, a new level of horror in water rides... http://russelltwyce.com/
  6. I ate at Wings 1 time earlier this year. It was just me and my brother. We're big buffet eaters. We looked at this place several times last year, but decided it just looked too nasty in there. This year, they expanded the buffet's offerings, so we decided it was worth trying once. Having eaten at the Midway Market at CP, and several buffets at Disney, we expected something like that. Even though it's the same price as the one at CP, and finally managed by the same company, we found Wings lacking by comparison. Paper plates. That was enough to almost back us off right there. The food offerings were much improved over last year, but finally I'd still call it fast food quality and poor for $16. There were few dessert offerings. Go to the aforementioned Midway Market for more selection and real plates, or better yet go to one of the casinos like Wheeling Island or the Argosy. Worst of all, they closed at 7, even though the park was open until 10. Even if you have a sloppy presentation, limited selection, and poor food quality for the price you are charging, for Pete's sake at least have the brains to stay open and make some money. There were plenty of people being turned away after 7. In case you're wondering, they serve food 1/2 hour past closing. At least we were asked and told several times to make sure we'd got our food and they were closing. It was after the dinner rush and before closing. So, the place was pretty overrun and dirty. We had trouble finding a clean table, and yes the floors were sticky beyond all belief. It got cleaner and cleaner as we ate. I was left with the impression that they just couldn't keep up with the crowd. Finally they did have the buffet and many tables cleaned up, but it was closing time. It was pretty obvious that they would not get the floor cleaned up. So we never went back to Wings. It's smarter to starve and eat buffet at the end of your day. Since it's the end of the day, you're smarter still to drive down to 19 and eat at the Golden Corral down there. More selection, better food, ok maybe not so clean, but it costs a lot less. We felt like most of the problem was that they were just understaffed. We've seen lots of signs of that all year and especially this past weekend that they just don't have enough workers right now. Like I said, we're big buffet eaters, so maybe we will give this place another shot later once they've had some more time to learn. For now, La Rosa's is still the unchallenged king of KI's dinner offerings.
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