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Everything posted by 666

  1. sobrider- why was it so negetive, you sound like you had a great time in previous posts?
  2. 666

    Food Prices

    Sporting events have higher food prices still. At a football game I went to it cost me a little over $11.00 for Nachos & Coke. Thats crazy, and their ticket prices are even higher. The cheapest parking was $10.00 and it was about a mile from the stadium, so I still can't say amusement parks have high prices.
  3. It's all about the work ethic. Back in the day people were proud of their job no matter where they work. I think if Paramount knew of a potential problem they would be more inclined to fix it, but they don't know, because no one tells them. As for Kings Island I have gone for years, and think they have some great employees, but there is ALWAYS a bad apple in the bunch. PKI is going through big changes, and as for landscaping and themeing it did improve this year. The stuff that could get fixed was fixed especially with FOF, and Adventure Express. For someone like me who has been going to PKI for 15 years +. It's amazing to see what they've accomplished. I've grown up in a family that has many buisness owners, and I can only imagine what it takes to run that park, and I would'nt want to do it. It's tough to run a small buisness, and to keep things maintained and ad some new multi-million dollar project is expensive even for big corporations who probably have a budjet that looks like a nightmare. My budjet is a nightmare and all I have to do is pay bills and buy groceries. We might not like some of their descisions but their going to make them, and complaining only causes ulcers, so talk about the good stuff that has made PKI the fun place to go for young and old for over 30 years.
  4. Thats not true.......... Kings Island still looks great. "Big Corporation" has nothing to do with it. What you said makes no sense and we are all now dumber for reading your posts. Your saying All big corporations destroy things, your making it sound like they do things on purpose to make "YOU" mad. Taft broadcasting is a corporation, and they owned Kings Island, Karl Lindler owned Kings Island and did'nt do as good as Paramount. All Paramount has done is 1. Branding and 2. Made more safety restrictions, and thats it.
  5. Who is I.C. Is it Ian?
  6. Wow Jovian, now that you said that I'm starting to realize how smart you are. Your inteligence over everyone else is amazing. You use big words, and the word dumb. I did'nt realize the bumper cars were for bumping.......I thought they were Antique as well. You should teach us more wise one since we are all wrong for following the rules, and common sense. Could you teach me how to breathe, since I'm so dumb I can't do that either. Last night I was in my room and could'nt find my bed for 3 hours, but then I realized I was in someone elses house. Well good luck on trying to crash the "Antique Cars". I should've opened my eyes sooner Jovian, your the best, and the smartest one on here!!. Oh before I forget you spelled Pathetic wrong, it's not "patehtic"....lol. I know it was just an honest mistake since your so smart.
  7. No there are no signs saying you should'nt bang cars around, but common sense says you should'nt. They are not bumper antique cars. If you think it's cool then do us all a favor and stay out of the parks. After reading your post (inraider) I understand that if it's OK to bang those cars around then why not a real car..........real cars are also built to withstand some banging around, but you would'nt do it on purpose if it could injure you. It's an antique car ride, and thats it. Please use your head when you post on here, and when you go to a park. That goes to anyone who gets off on damaging those poor antique cars that are older than most of you.
  8. I hope the employee who from Ice Cream Zone who thinks it's funny gets fired, and once again this is why parks have to charge high prices, because idiots like this are alive. I know what they should get in 2003............."Security gaurds with guns: The Ride". Brake our stuff and we'll shoot off your leg!!!.
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