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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=72...q=the+beast+25# Check out the very end of the video. Well, I would describe SoB as "bad", and it does make me want to shriek...
  2. If they lowered the ridiculious food prices, then yes. If not, then no.
  3. If I don't like Haunt, why can't I pick a "N/A" option for the second question?
  4. The only issue that I had with CP's was that the LED lights give me a headache. But, that's just me. I thought it was really nice and I would really like to see it come to KI.
  5. I believe that the reason that FoF's trims are on is because there is something physically wrong with the ride. There's a strange amount of movement in the cars when it is rolling off of the MCBR.
  6. I wish they would at least ATTEMPT to bring the theming back.
  7. Those pics do not do justice to how nice it looks.
  8. They do look much nicer than the current ones. Couldn't CF have put decals on the new ones?
  9. Jokers Jinx does not even have a trim where FoF does, and it runs perfectly fine that way. Would you be angry if Diamondback's MCBR were used at full force so you got zero airtime for the second half of the ride? Would you consider that unnecessary, considering that it runs fine as-is? All of that money comes from the same pot... are you really more likely to buy food because it's advertised on a shiny new LCD TV?
  10. I just hope it doesn't look at tacky during the day. The extension cords at CP looked horrid...
  11. No, I'm saying that CF could EASILY save money in different ways- for example, what purpose do the LCD TVs in Jukebox Diner serve? They cost more than a normal menu board. Why did we need a new Test Your Strength game when there already was one? That cost money.
  12. You can step on the actual track while boarding and exiting... I guess it's the part underneath that fits?
  13. Cedar Fair LOVES useless trims. There is very little reason for the trims on Diamondback, Son of Beast, Vortex, The Beast, The Racer, Fairly Odd Coaster, and Flight of Fear. Nearly all of them can run without them (possibly with the exception of The Beast). In fact, many of them have run without trims.
  14. I would love to see that. As long as it's not the Gemini/Blue Streak film that they have at Chuck E Cheese.
  15. Hey, even at Cedar Point a blue streak has lit up the sky.
  16. I wonder about the safety of having Gerstlauer trains on the track. Those trains were not designed to sustain those speeds and levels of roughness.
  17. Son of Beast. It looks amazing. Tragically, it doesn't provide an amazing ride... well, amazingly rough...
  18. I don't think a Rotor would work well these days- it would take much more force to keep, ahem, some guests... stuck to the wall.
  19. WIN! WIN! Techincally, Racer was not designed with trims... hmm!
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