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Everything posted by freakychick77

  1. Last weekend i was at HH with my friend and we got some pizza by The Beast. Well some freaky dude appeared right behind me and i dropped the large pizza on him and screamed and ran away with my friend laughing. It was horrible. Then during Death Row, i found out that if you scream applesauce really loud when you pass a dude, they won't scare you. But then i screamed applesauce in an old lady's face. She yelled at me, hit me with her purse, then walked away. I now hate her.
  2. My favorite maze was definetly Club Blood, Massacure Manor, then Trail of Terror. I went in the Carn Evil and found it a bit scary, but only because of my fear of clowns. Cemetary Drive was really stupid. And Urgent Scare, no duh the source of the virus was magnum, and the maze was actually way worse then Cemetary Drive. The dude by the LaRoses near The Beast with a lantern stalked me pretty much the entire night, but overall, Halloween Haunt was really awesome.
  3. My personal favorite maze is Club Blood, even though the part where the vampire chick goes into labor was really disgusting, the rest was awesome! My favorite show was Dead Awakening. I love how the chick eventually dies, but I hate the monster leader. I thought the blonde monster/werewolf thing was extremely hawt!!! My favorite scare zone is the Wasteland, where the werewolves and aliens are. Post great comments!!
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