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Everything posted by thebeastisawsume

  1. So.....it is older than i thought thanks!!
  2. I dont think that it is from Cedar Fair
  3. thanks i think that it is not from 2010 in fact i think that it is from 1995 to 2000 i have no idea???
  4. tere was no tag it was in coney mall fudge store it was 3.48 and wes i bought it westerday there was 3 more and everything was 50% off and there was stuff from paromount days
  5. http://i1042.photobucket.com/albums/b421/James_dbeast/103_0702.jpg
  6. Well yestarday i was at the park i obtained this shirt, does anybody have any idea what year it is from?? Thanks
  7. Steel 1. Diamondback 2. Magum XL-200 3. Kumba 4. Vortex (7-1) 5. Millenium Force Wood 1. The Beast 2. Thunderhead 3. Blue Streak 4. Son of Beast 5. The Racer
  8. front on all coaster accecpt Vortex its 7-1
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/theBrettandDaJames This was taken by me today
  10. I think almost every seat has about equal airtime !!!! But There is the frount and the back!!!!!!!
  11. yo its james agian what is good at haunt??
  12. well this dude in my english class thinks that diamoundbacks hammerhead turn is a loop I was like no its no and hes like yah it is I was like wow!
  13. Thank you guys for the advise I really Apricate it! And Interpreter I will ride Kumba for you and RailRider I will try to eat at Crown Colony what kind of food do they serve there?
  14. I am going on the 17th on a monday has anyone ever been there?How are the lines?
  15. Coasterkid, I am glad that ypu enjoyed dollywood I went ther and loved almost every coaster tornado was one of the best arrow loopers, mystery mine a relly difirent experence! Thunderhead was frekin awsume the coaster was relly smooth It was my fave!
  16. this is what I use they are awsome and look kool!
  17. go to http://www.carowinds.com/#actions and look at whats happing (Great Find)!
  18. Well I Personaly love the G's on Vortex Helix ! What about you please comment!
  19. when you guys say 7-1 you mean car 7 in the frount of the car right?
  20. Firehawlk for me it had so much hype on the comercial but it really sucked!
  21. well I would bring the kids I am 13 and I love Haunt Espacily Club Blood and Corn Stalkers!
  22. Beast or Son of Beast? this is so i can prove 2 my girlfrend lindsey that The Beast is more popular. please vote!
  23. well i rode The Beast when i was 4 years old so u never know...........
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