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AZ Kinda Guy

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Everything posted by AZ Kinda Guy

  1. HAHA! I just pictured some little old lady behind the GR window throwing her hands up in the air and saying that!
  2. Just to add some fuel to the fire of people being depressed about seeing the park covered in snow, this was taken today(3-7-08)
  3. I don't understand why anyone would want a Jump II or a Topple Tower in their section. Ecspecially with all of their downtime\maintenance issues they have.
  4. This should be fun... 1. International Street 2. International Parking Garage 3. Three! 4. Attractions- Two elevators, Food Stalls- a Whiskey vending machine and a cigarette vending machine. 5. The name of the rides? Elevators: THE EXPERIENCE PS... Brandon Phillips is the man!
  5. Ride program cartridge? That funny, I didn't realize the motion program was ran off of a Sega Genesis.
  6. So just disregard my signature...
  7. Congo Falls is an Intamin product.
  8. Or you could call it The Riddlers Revenge. Just an idea!
  9. The parking lot. It's closer to the car. Which has a backseat.........
  10. AZ Kinda Guy


    If they wanted to leave "history" alone then they never would have turned it backwards to begin with.
  11. Sorry Nick but The Beast hasn't hit 70 MPH in years, if at all. The computer is, dare I say it, WRONG.
  12. ^Exactly my thoughts...^ IMO, it runs fine the way it is.
  13. Doesn't sound like questioning to me...
  14. St.Elmos Fire....Thats the one! Thanx Tom!
  15. Did that and that's not what I'm looking for either.
  16. Thats not it Bombay but thats still a pretty kick arse song.
  17. Actually I think your right. I think it is a trumphet.
  18. Alright I'm trying to find the artist and title of a certain song that used to be played on International Street during the Paramount days. It was all instrumental and had alot of saxaphone in it. Any help out there?
  19. Change happens. Especially in this industry. Either live with it and keep visiting the park or keep crying about it on a fan site. Your choice.
  20. You have got to be kidding me...
  21. Three things.... More ring girls, less fighters Hara is a dump. "Bill Goodmans, gun and knife show, call a buddy, bring a friend"
  22. Horrible reaction from who? The general public? Try again...
  23. Question: Lets say I have a grudge out for Ride Op John Doe. Can't I just come on here and say "I have confirmed information from John Doe at The Racer that we are getting a 900 foot tall Intamin," even though I never heard that specifically from John Doe?" And if the info happens to be correct, how is John Doe protected even though he never said anything to begin with?
  24. Gee, I wish I could be in the know like you are.
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