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AZ Kinda Guy

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Everything posted by AZ Kinda Guy

  1. In other words, don't expect any kind of festivities when SOB opens.
  2. Coming from 4 seasons of preseason cleanup, don't count on it. You'll be lucky to get a test ride.
  3. Sure didn't! There is nothing unique or custom about the trains on any of the woodies at CP.
  4. In the grand sheme of things "beastmaster" , it doesn't really matter what the darn website is called. Type in both web addresses and it takes you to the same place! Imagine that... Secondly, please take note of my post. Why you ask? Because it makes sense.
  5. Seeing how your logic is completely flawed, it's probably best you just unplug the keyboard and take a more visual approach to PKIC.
  6. Your wrong StXBomber. Has a paying customer, he has the right to "whine" as much as he wants. Now whether or not this "whining" falls on ears that will actually listen is another story.
  7. And I think you are full of....ehhh.....errrr....bologna Hey mods, you should be proud of me.
  8. A fellow RRCer! My RRC days began back in 99. Can't say I post on it anymore though.
  9. Haha...I'm talking about when you have all the pieces on site and such.
  10. Haven't all steel coasters already been built? Just have yet to be put together. Which would be the case with Firegoose.
  11. And clearly you don't know me that well.
  12. Very simple answer.....Firetruck.
  13. I don't think Delirium has ever had that problem either.
  14. So thats who was taking all those pics of Maureen during her presentation ::weird:: ...Anyways, check me out in the box seats!!
  15. I wouldn't be so sure of that.... Thanks
  16. I'm with Ronny. Seriously, whats so bad about having to actually walk down a long que to get to the ride? Quit your whining and get on a stairmaster.
  17. Actually, there's pics out there not from the air. I'm not talking about a camera phone pic either.
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