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Status Updates posted by TheCryptRaider

  1. my my, what a long list of top tens you've got there.

  2. havent been to KI in over a month. Thats sad.


  4. I have the same birthday as you. just thought I'd share...

  5. I can't figure it out!

  6. Coastered out? :o What does that mean?

  7. Yes! Okay, and I hear you. This is my first weekend out of school, and I'm tired as well. I can't even imagine how tired you are from the ERT and all. Hope you had fun though.

  8. Are you doing a PTR of CoasterMania? I can't wait to see it if you are!

  9. Angie! Aww! I feel bad for you, I'm so sorry about your Millie. I still have yet to ride it, but I do hope it will be opened back up in time for YOU to ride it during CoasterMania.

  10. HEY!! It's me Josh from the Diamandback line! (opening day)

  11. JoshB? I'm Josh B.. O_o

  12. Happy birthday, Jackson! Hope you have a good one!

  13. Haha, I've kinda noticed you like changing it. I like looking at people's profiles on here to learn about them, but nobody else erally does? O_o

  14. blah. you're lucky. you're going to Cedar Point when i'm stuck in school.


  15. HAHA!

    I loved that April Fool's Joke!

    It was hillarious! :)

  16. Hey there.

    Stopped by to say I LOVE your videos.

    I'm subscribed to you haha.

    Can't wait for your great videos of Diamondback.

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