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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. The Racer is gorgeous in its vintage. There's just something about the white woodies. Still, looking up at Diamondback towering over the park is a beautiful thing. My vote went to Diamondback.
  2. If theme changes mean more money for KI, I say all's well.
  3. This season was the season I started visiting KI regularly, and keeping up with news. 1. Diamondback. 2. Excellent. 3. Better.
  4. Racer, without a doubt. Can't beat the classics. Plus, it's a wonderful feeling to just walk on on slow days, have a ride, then stay in the seat and have a few more.
  5. I don't think the argument is about whether or not the Thornberries flume is part of Nick Universe, just that it should be re-themed and made a part of Rivertown once again after Nick Universe is no more.
  6. If the Fairly Odd Coaster returns to its Beastie status, tunnel included, that would entirely redeem this revamp for me. (plus, that way KI can keep two Beast-related coasters even after SOB is put out of its misery. haha.) Also, a Red Baron re-theming of Runaway Reptar would be kind of kickass. Too bad I'm too tall to ride it these days.
  7. lol, love the username.

  8. Well, I can't say I'm excited about the change, but I'll get used to it in a few years. It's not like the kids area is where I spend most of my time at the park.
  9. I was a hardcore Nickelodeon fan back in its hayday... I actually don't mind the Nickelodeon theming at all. Like Maverick said, it's very relevant to today's kids, who are the ones who will actually be enjoying the Kids area. I wouldn't mind sticking with Nickelodeon for at least another decade or so.
  10. I voted for "a new kids ride", because I'd be a little bummed if there was a new ride at Kings Island that I ended up being too tall to try out.
  11. I've never even come close to graying out on a coaster. A few of my buddies say they gray out a bit during Vortex's second loop, but I get through both just fine.
  12. Tie between that glorious B&M roar and the beautiful silence on the backwoods portion.
  13. Can I still cast my vote if I've never ridden Blue Streak? I imagine that's the reason the (red) Racer is so far ahead in the poll; there are a good number of people at KI Central that haven't been to Cedar Point.
  14. This topic is making me want a Little Bill's Giga Coaster.
  15. I think a Giant Ferris Wheel in Coney Mall could be a plausible thing to hope for.
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