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Everything posted by Spacoli

  1. I never did visit KI during the Taft days, but the way HW now runs their park seems very similar to how some of you describe the Taft days of KI? Am I right on this? Or am I just crazy?
  2. Ooh I know a ride themed to a journey into a mysterious crypt with, fire, sound, and water effects! Oh wait never mind...
  3. I also remember quite a bit of negativity towards KI's new,"Planet Snoopy,".
  4. I've never been but I have heard it is extremely successful.
  5. Ah yes the,"Sean Hannity Freedom concert", seems interesting...
  6. Remember Saturday is the Employee Reunion and the Cincinnati Tea Party movement is going to be at the park. Political movement, in a theme park?
  7. Remember Saturday is the Employee Reunion and the Cincinnati Tea Party movement is going to be at the park. Political movement, in a theme park?
  8. Let's not forgot the infamous,"Bat"!
  9. I also feel the same way! It's hard to find people who prefer Raven over Voyage, glad i found you two!
  10. I am also interested in what the announcement for FD is.
  11. Just say"New at King's Island in 2012 - Skyhawk! Where you can dive 200 feet straight down!"
  12. We’ve heard from several sources that the work taking place in the Son of Beast station building is indeed for a new Halloween Haunt attraction and not part of a covert effort to get the ride running again. Source:Screamscape.com
  13. We’ve heard from several sources that the work taking place in the Son of Beast station building is indeed for a new Halloween Haunt attraction and not part of a covert effort to get the ride running again. Source: Screamscape.com
  14. Hmm a Vekoma Madhouse, look's pretty fun.
  15. How about a HUSS Breakdance?
  16. Girl on WWC,"Paramount sold KI to Cedar Fair which is owned by Six Flags".
  17. Oh Thank you Coney!

  18. I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but how about a HUSS Breakdance?
  19. Let's not forgot Dinosaur, Expedition Everest, and Test Track
  20. I faintly remember it, though I do believe I got everyone on Big Thunder Mountain at Dsiney to sing cotton eye joe with me. I swear everyone on that train had adrenaline pumping through every vein in their body. When they got off the ride they acted as if it was the end of the world. Not to say I wasn't doing the same thing...
  21. That's alright thank you for the welcome! :)

  22. And In Reply I give you this The new land clearing behind Son of Beast is real it seems, and can be seen from the tower’s observation deck if you look through the gap where the loop used to be to the land beyond. Even more interesting are the reports from those riding Flight Deck who claim to have seen workers pounding/sawing away at stuff in the SOB station, along with the sound of power tools. I’ve got to wonder, are they working on something in the station for the ride… or planning to turn the station into a Halloween Haunt? Source: ScreamScape. Anyone wanna test out what Lance said?
  23. You guys might be interested in this... Son of Beast Status - Closed Until Further Notice - (7/28/10) I’m told that some new land clearing has actually begun behind Son of Beast. While I’m not sure what this may mean, another reader has pointed out that the former SonOfBeast.com website is now auto-forwarding all visits to the Intimidator 305 page. Odd… very odd… Source:Screamscape.
  24. But you didn't use a small font, nor a bunch of exclamation points... They are simply invisible. Everyone knows that. Oh and just so I don't get accused of going off topic, does anyone remember the pet rocks?
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