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Everything posted by darkstar_skater_00

  1. They better do the fireworks. Fireworks kick ass.
  2. I think Kings Island should stay open all day and night
  3. I wanna see the Italian Job in Coney Mall because i'm gettin sick of hangin out in Action Zone all day because thats were all the good rides are
  4. The only reason i got Kings Island is because its the only fun thing to do in cincinnati and if i lived closer to Cedar Point i would definitely go there because they have way better roller coasters.
  5. I love skyling, even though a coney cost like 3 dollars.
  6. yes its definitely not purple. its either green or yellow or just green
  7. I don't think they'll put anything in to great in 05. I think in 06 they'll make a badass rollercoaster.
  8. I think the King Cobra is cuz its the only ride i ever rode. It wasn't even that great of a ride. I'm glad they got rid of it and put dilerrium in its place
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