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Rider Jen

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Rider Jen's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. I just started a new job recently...........a couple of girls I work with were talking about going to KI soon........ Girl 1: OMG have you seen the commercial for that new wind seeker ride? Its like 250 ft tall!! Me: Um, actually its 301 ft tall Girl 1: stares blankly at me.......... Girl 2: Wow, that is really really high up Girl 1: Well there is no way I will ride it because one of the seats broke and a dummy flew out of it when they were testing it. Me: Blank stare at girl 1......................um no that is not true it is a RUMOR Girl 1: no, its not. It really happened.
  2. I dont have much from KI but my fav thing is my ride warrior glass!!
  3. I am glad you were able to fit on everything you wanted to ride!! As a larger gal myself I often worry about fitting onto the rides.
  4. That was a very cool video BoddaH!!!
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