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    Ironton, Ohio

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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. This was my first looper, I was terrified to go upside down. Then during one trip with my church, my youth minister looked at me said "you're riding it" and made me go on it, I was terrified, but in the end I loved it. Then it got rougher and rougher, and I began to skip it. Finally as the years went on and I grew bigger I became unable to fit into the coaster. (6'4" with most of it being in my legs, and a big gut = No go for any arrows). It's the most beautiful ride I've ever seen the picturesque bat wing and the way it fit that area, will forever be beautiful. RIP Vortex while I won't miss riding you, I will miss seeing you.
  2. Sorry, I meant along the lines of Vortex considering that it's, basically unrideable at this point. But the more that I think about it, are any manufacturers even building those kind of coaster? Feels like everything, either has a gimmick e.g. Dive coaster, Inverted coaster, or Wing coaster. Or everything has a launch, such as what Mack, and Intamin are doing rn.
  3. Imo next coaster we should get is, and this way down the line obviously. Is a good looping, inversion coaster that utilizes a lift. We really don't have one that is tolerable to ride. It's really the only hole I see in the lineup.
  4. To be fair, this was the first time I was able to get to ki since it was built. So I've never experienced the shed. Wasn't the biggest reason I wanted to ride it was a little disappointed that it wasn't working. But it didn't take away anything from the ride experience given that I'd never ridden it before.
  5. Nope it is not, I can't do Vortex, The Bat, or FoF because of my legs. I'm only 6'4" but it's almost all in my legs lol. Then obviously the rides with height restrictions I don't really even try to get on, don't want to hassle the ride ops.
  6. Ride seems to run fine, just amazingly anti climactic at the end lol. But then again no one's really riding it for the shed.
  7. The cars looked like a mangled mess, took an hour and a half to get from KI to Batavia due to traffic.
  8. Let me guess...Intamin fanboy?Actually no lol Intamin's Safety record scares the bejeebies out of me every time I ride one. But that also adds to the adrenaline rush, granted not in the way the manufacture intended.Also I'm looking at it more from an average park goers point of view. We may know that the Hypers are more airtime based and the Giga's are based on raw speed but does the GP? Probably not they're just gonna see what I said in my first post.
  9. Personally IF we ever get a giga hopefully it's not made by B&M. I feel like it would kill ridership of Diamondback. Think about it the two coasters are from the same manufacturer. Only difference being one is 100ft taller and about 10mph faster. Given B&M's track record of Reliability and Capacity over pushing the issue, what more can they really do with another 100ft that they can't, and didn't do with Diamondback. While I'm sure Leviathan and Fury are/will be great rides. They just kind of make the hyper coasters in their respective parks redundant. Thoughts?
  10. Personally I'd like to see Diamondback remain the tallest coaster in the park. Like I said in my TR to Cedar Point having Millennium Force kind of negated the point to riding Magnum. While they're different in their own respective ways in the end they're pretty much the same thing. Except Millennium is 100ft taller and Magnum is way Rougher.
  11. Personally CP's lineup is Outragously overrated anyway. Millennium Force, Maverick, and Raptor are the only rides there I really enjoyed. Top Thrill Dragster was cool but waiting an hour for a 30 second ride kind of kills it IMO. There's not a Coaster at KI I don't enjoy except Invertigo just not a fan. I'd take KI's lineup any day over CP's.
  12. I know DollyWood does this on Tennesse Tornado. At least they did when I was there 2 years ago
  13. Had he given anyone in CLE prior Knowledge that he was leaving for MIA then I'd have no problem with what he did. But alas he didn't and that's where my problem with him lies not to mention he seems to be outrageously self centered. Look at his interviews after his championships it's I this and I that. Plus his weekend in Vegas after the decision. It's the same reason I don't like Manziel. Also Lebron will never be better than Jordan EVER.
  14. Yeah I messed up. lol it's there now.
  15. This was only my 3rd trip to CP my first being 2003 and I was 10 and couldn't ride much, and my second time I was a huge Wimp that wouldn't ride anything. That being said this is my trip report. My cousin and I got to the park around 9:30 AM, and it was clear that it was going to be a normal busy Saturday. One that those of us without Platinum passes and lacking the money to Purchase fast Passes I.E. A Poor college student with a Minimum wage job were going to have to plan our day out Carefully to try and avoid long lines. Alas we failed but it still wound up being a great day. As soon as the Star-Spangled Banner stopped playing and they let everyone through we made a B-Line for Gatekeeper as my cousin had never ridden a Wing rider before. We wound up only waiting 30 minutes or so. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed Gatekeeper much more so than Wild Eagle at Dollywood that first drop on Gatekeeper just feels unique even though it probably isn't. Next up was Wicked Twister since it was right there. WT had about a 15 minute wait so not too bad and at least we had that beautiful beach to look at. As someone who'd never ridden WT only my 3rd time at CP and other times I went I never wasted my time on it. I found it to be a lot of fun even though it's short the launch is actually really fun. Glad I discovered the fun that is WT. Next up we headed for Raptor and our day of long waits began. It was about an Hour and a Half wait. I gotta say I enjoyed it as I'd never ridden it before. If Banshee is even half the ride Raptor is we got a great addition to KI. Haven't made it to the park this year. I thought it was interesting to see how far the Technology has come in 20 years from riding Raptor and seeing Pics and Videos of Banshee especially when it comes to the trains and the restraints. It's really cool. Next up was Millennium Force my new favorite ride at CP. "Maverick" was the previous title holder and Thunderhead at Dollywood holds the favorite coaster anywhere title a Woodie will probably always hold this title to me anyway you can't beat a good wooden coaster, again this was my first time riding MF. The wait was an Hour and 45 minutes but it was well worth it we rode in 1-2 and it was awesome. Wish we had something like this at KI but what we have is awesome anyway. You just can't beat the first drop on Millie it's amazing. Then we went and rode Mean Streak only about a ten minute wait only because we rode in the front. Not sure why this ride is so unpopular with everyone I really enjoyed it then again I like it when a ride is rough gives you that out of control feeling. Personally to me the ride was no rougher than Beast is especially in Beast's Rose bowl. I could see where some could say it's layout is boring which I kinda agree with. Maverick was next and we waited about an hour and 15 min for it. I gotta say it was a much Rougher ride then I remember which isn't exactly a bad thing. It's still a great ride and a similar coaster would be a great addition to KI out in the woods. Magnum was next and it was about a 40 minute wait only because they stopped the ride to fetch someone's Wallet for about 10-15 minutes which I found to be kinda weird. When I rode Magnum all I could think about it was that it was wonderfully 80's feeling with the station design and the slight spaceship theming on the trains. We rode in 1-2 and being 6'4 with long legs if was a tight squeeze but I made it work. I enjoyed it but I feel like MF defeats the purpose of having it there. So I'm officially aboard the no Giga's at KI train Diamondback is awesome and I don't want a Giga do the same to DB. Then it was time for Top Thrill Dragster which to be completely honest I was kind of afraid of. Why I don't know but when I rode it I found the Launch and build-up to be awesome as a Drag racing fan. But its really nothing special in my eyes after that. Also the ride-op kept calling it the Tallest, and Fastest coaster in the world which was kind of a pet peeve but I Digress. We waited an hour-and 15 minutes for the ride, which may have something to do with why I didn't enjoy it as much as other people do. After that we went and ate at Johnny Rockets Then it was time for our last ride. We decided to go with a Night Ride on MF and let me tell you that was the best decision we made all day. It was amazing something about going 93 Mph and not really being able to see the track you're on is exhilarating. Walking back to the car we walked by Luminosity and I have to ask why do we not have that at KI it looks like a lot of fun. A couple side notes. How loud compared to raptor and Mantis is Banshee as I said I haven't been to KI this year? Personally I hope she is in Between the two Mantis is so loud it's annoying. Also Iron Dragon appeared to be broken down early on in the day around 12 to 1 hopefully they're not having issues with it. Well that's it thanks for reading and feel free to leave any feedback that will help me make these things a more interesting read. Thanks, NyTrO
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