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flyer06's Achievements

KIC Tourist (1/13)
I dont know, its not the bad. I normally can't ride rides that go in circles but I can ride Delirium as long as its only once at a time. But I wouldnt suggest more than once within a few hours.. I had the pleasure last year of 3 times in a row, thanks to a certain somone... and yeah not fun. But once should be fine..
yeah and that was against my will Thanks to a certian other crew memeber, hmm I wonder who that was??!!! im suprised I didn't loose my lunch because I sure felt like it...
Um to let you all know. Delirium Sarah, or me. I am not az kinda girl... I dont know what everyone thinks that...... its flyer06 :-)
Ok Im gonna have to agree with derbeast on this one. After working there for 2 years and seeing it/riding it everyday Im sure a beast/scooters person could out do an Acer, regular, whatever you want to call yourself. And Why in the world do you keep track of what tubs do what? If you are good enough you can make them all snap the same.
Yeah Beast is fun to work at. Back when I worked there ( I don't know about now) we would have power hour eevry night where we would get the guest very excited and it was GREAT times. I do miss it alot. But I will say I like operating Delirium better. Its not so much the ride that makes things fun, its the crew and the area you are in thats makes whatever ride you call the best to operate, the best to operate! Coasters do get slightly boring to operate after a few hours.
Tom I hate to correct you but Delirium did not get their 8th flag on the last day WE had it like mid-season, then never got another one, because we lost half our crew due to school and other reasons. Therefore Delirium was the 1st to have 8 flags.
look don't go insulting my crew because you didn't find something they did to stay entertained amusing.. I can guarantee at least one person in the line probably did find it entertaining. If you worked there you would understand. And just because you don't like one of the supervisors for who knows whatever reason (I don't know why because he is really a great guy) dosen't mean you should go attack the crew. As Az Kinda Guy said, our crew was GREAT, I couldn't have asked for a better one. SO if they want to make animal sounds over the speaker I could care less. As far as them not having lives, maybe you should take another look at who doesn't have a life (you are the one taking time to comment on how annoying they are )
I remember when i was on beast and had to help sweep all that up.. Not fun at all..
Midnight closings suck, you have about an hour wait at midnight, so that takes you to 1am, then you have to clean, thats about 2am... hour drive home there is like 3 something. then get back up in the mornind and do it all over again. And the reason the park can't be open the last week of august (even if UC hasn't started yet) is that not everyone goes to UC, there are alot of high schoolers working there, and people who goto other schools.
Yes there were trees there, they cut them down sometime last year, I can't exactly remember when, sometime during post season I think.
Dragon Lord, why don't you lighten up a little. Az Kinda Guy and myself do tell our crew to tuck in their shirts, but we can't be everywhere all the time. And sometimes they forget their name tags, everyone does it at least once whille working there. We are short staffed sometimes and can't send them to wardrobe to get another one, no big deal. Yes I understand guest perception means alot but I think they would rather us run the ride than close it so everyone can go get a new name tag. As far as workers going on break, once again the supervisors can't go on every break to make sure their shirts stay tucked in, we aren't babysitters. As far as sucrity goes, ok telling them to to tuck in their shirt is one thing but taking their ID it is a little extreme, its toward the end of the season so we will be short staffed anyways and you want to get people fired over a name-tag or shirt. I mean no offence to you or anything but dosen't security have more important things to worry about such as guests fighting/line jumping etc etc than if an assoiciate has on their name tag??
No its not a contest, its just so we can show off all our hard work.